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continuation of flashback

Jimin wished that this was all a lie, a horrible dream.
He refused to believe this was real, how could it be?

Jimin didn't believe it. cause if he did, then everything about his life was a lie. A big fat lie.

The poor boy had tears in his eyes threatening to run down his cheeks. He felt like his feet couldn't hold him up anymore, everything looked blurry and he couldn't see his mom walking towards him with shaky steps. The young boy was now on the floor with his hands wrapped around his shivering body.
He was shaking and crying trying to comprehend what was happening around him.
Jimin just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole, he just wished he could vanish from the face of the earth right at that moment. The poor boy would prefer anything to this.
he felt so betrayed and the fact that all these years he was trying so hard to make a man who wasn't even his father love him made everything worse, of course he wouldn't love him, he wasn't even his son, his blood.
Now it all made sense, how his dad looked at him with disgust everytime jimin dared to speak to the man.
All these years he never even once smiled to him, jimin gave up on his fathers love and affection years ago but it still hurt him everytime he saw the way mr.park looked at him with so much venom in his eyes.
He wasn't his son, he was Just a painfull reminder of all the love his wife once had for another man.

He still remembered every time he cried in his mother's arms and asked her why his father would never even notice him. Why he would always yell at him or be so annoyed whenever he was around him.
He was an adoarble kid he was used to everyone showering him with love so he never understood why his own dad was always so distant and cold.

These questions were always on his mind through the years as he grew up.

Jimin wanted her mother to go away, he didn't want her to hug him, to try and soothe his pain, he didn't want her anywhere near him right now. Cause he hated the fact that despite what he had just been told, her mother was still able to make him feel safe, he hated the fact that he still needed her so much.

So in a weak attempt, he tried to push his mother away but she just hugged him tighter.

Jimin's tears fell on his mother's dress and left little marks on its beautiful white cloth, he was crying so hard in the woman's arms. His mom was now slowly caressing his hair and trying to calm him down.

He was suddenly yanked away from his mothers embrace and thrown on the hard and cold ceramic floor.

Jimin couldn't care less about the physical pain he was enduring right now. He felt as if his heart was being torn to shreds and he wished he could just stop breathing and die right then and there.

Mr. Park was now just looking at the boy with pure hatred in his eyes, he didn't feel guilty for hurting the boy so brutally with both his words and actions. He thought he had every right to act the way he did, after all in his opinion, Jimin was the reason behind all his problems.
By the time he met his wife, she was already 3 months pregnant. But Mr. park thought he could bear the child's existence in his life if it was the only way to have the woman he loved in his life.

He wanted her and at first, he didn't care about the fact she was carrying another man's child or if she didn't even love him back, he simply thought that she will eventually love him too, but that never happened.

A few months later the child was born and it just caused his wife to pay even less attention to him than before, she loved the child so much she would spend so many nights in the nursery.

Mr. Park was a powerful man, everyone feared him. He was only an ordinary businessman on the outside but in reality, he was a ruthless mafia leader. He was the definition of a monster.

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