T W E N T Y - T W O

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3 days later

Clouds POV

Today we leave for MAGCON NYC and I couldn't be anymore excited. I've always wanted to go to NYC.

I have on a Sweatshirt Sweatpants and vans. Nothing special really.

I finish zipping up my last suitcase. Then I just quickly throw my hair into a top knot.

I grab my 2 suitcases and drag them down the stairs with G.

It's 2 am right now. I want starbucks and sleep. Literally all I want.

Everyone is already downstairs so we all just lazily throw our stuff in the van and get in.

I curl into G's lap and bury my head into the crook of his neck. I feel him smile.

I smile too.

Cam starts the van and starts driving.

I just stay curled into G's lap while he's holding me tightly.

Everyone is either asleep or on their phone.

"Jack?" I ask "Yeah" He says "I love you" I say "I love you too babygirl..so much" He says. I smile and kiss him.

I bury my head back into his neck and fall asleep.

● ● ●

Jack G's POV

We get to the airport and Cloud is passed out on my lap. She's so beautiful I hope one day she becomes Mrs.Gilinsky.

I plant a kiss on her temple and she sucks in a breath.

"You know..You could just shake me" She mumbles into my neck "Yeah..but I prefer the other way" I say chuckling.

She lifts her head from the crook of my neck with her eyes half open.

"Whatever floats you're boat" She says and we laugh. "Okay we're her now let's get out" I say "Okay fineee" She wines and gets out of the van.

She walks to the back door and grabs her suitcases while I grab mine.

When she gets them we all start walking into the airport.

Clouds POV

We're all walking into the airport right now and I'm tired as fuck.

I'm walking to security when I feel someone slap my ass. I jump and turn around.

G is sitting there with a Cheeky smile on his face.

"You're so mean" I say "But you still love me" He says "No I dont" I say "Really?" He questions. I just stay quiet

"Well then I guess I'll just have to punish you" He says. Oh shit what.

"Wait wh-" I'm cut off by being lifted into the air and thrown onto Jacks shoulder.

"Jaaaaack put me down" I whine

"Nah I like the view from here" He says and I realize that my ass is facing him.

My cheeks (on my face) get hot with embarrassment.

I just pound on his back but he doesn't even flinch. Ughhh.

I stop pounding and just hang there waiting to get to security.

"Are we at security yet?" I ask "Nope" Jack says "Ughhh" I groan.

We finnaly reach security after what felt like millions of years of me hanging on Jacks shoulder.

"Can I get down now?" I ask "No" He says "What? Why?" I ask "Because..you have to say you love me and that I'm the hottest guy in the whole wide world" He says "Finee..I love you so much and you are the hottest guy in the whole wide world" I say "Thank You" He says and puts me down.

"Ahhhh the ground feels good to walk on again" I say and he laughs.

We go through security and then walk to the seating areas and I flop down into one.

G comes over and flops onto my lap. Geez this kid is heavy.

"Jaack get off please I kinda need my legs to walk and stuff" I say trying to push him off but he doesn't budge "Uh excuse me but I am not that heavy" He says putting a hand over his heart acting hurt.

"Well to me you are..now get off pleaseee" I say "Finee" He says and gets up and sits in the seat next to me.

"So are you excited?" He asks "Hell Yeah" I say and he laughs.

"FLIGHT 739 TO NYC NOW BOARDING" THE lady on the intercom says and we all stand up and walk to the gate.

We give the lady our tickets and walk in.

I get window seat and G sits next to me.

"NYC here we come" G says "Sleep here I come" I mock and put my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

● ● ●

"Ladys and Gentleman we will now be landing" I hear the flight attendant announce.

I groan and rub my eyes. I see G staring at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I ask reaching for my phone "No no no...It's just that..Youre gorgeous and I love that I can call a gorgeous girl mine" He says and I smile like and idiot.

"Aww G that's so sweet..I love you so much and I love that I can call someone so handsome mine" I say and we kiss.

"Ladys and Gentlemen we have landed" The lady announces and everyone unbuckles and gets off the plane.

When we get off the plane we walk to baggage claim and get our bags.

"Jack is Mahogany gonna be there?" I ask "Yeah we'll meet her at the hotel" He says "Yayyy" I say.

We get into separate taxis and drive to the hotel.

● ● ●

When we get to the hotel we all unload and walk in. I see Mahogany waiting there for us and I drop my bags and all 3 of us run to her and tackle her in hugs.

"Oh God I missed you guys so much" Mahogany squeals "We missed you too" I say "Welp I'm tired who's sharing rooms with who?" She asks "Well I'm sharing one with Cam" Brandyn says "Nash" Madison says "G" I say "Okay well uh then I guess I'll share a room with Shawn" She says.

"I'm really sorry Mahogany" I say "No its fine. Shawn is pretty hot" She whispers "Ooo does somebody have a crush" I say poking her "Maybeee" She says "Aww" We all say.

"Well I guess we should be heading to our rooms" Mahogany says "Yeah. Let's go" Brandyn says.

We all squeeze into 2 elevators. We reach our floor and we all walk to our individual rooms.

I walk into mine and G's and see there's only one bed and the room is really nice.

We've got a really nice view from the window.

"Wow. This is beautiful" I say walking up to the window and looking out of it.

"Not as beautiful as you" Jack says "You're so cheesy..but I love it" I say and he smiles.

We lean in and connect our lips. I'm never gonna get used to the fireworks.

He deepens the kiss and slides his cold hands under my sweatshirt. He puts them on my waist and rubs them up and down.

We pull away and I yawn.

"Why don't we go to bed. It's been a long day" He says and I nod yawning.

He slips off his sweatshirt and gets in bed. I lay next to him and snuggle into his chest. Letting sleep take over my body.

A/N Crappiest chapter ever. I'm so so sorry for the long update I got busy and I forgot to write a chapter for this story. I'll make sure to start updating regularly

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