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Clouds POV

I walk out of school hoping Brandyn or Madison wouldn't ask me to go somewhere with them considering that it's Friday. I know, shocking that I, a teenage girl, doesn't wanna hang with her friends on a Friday night.

I'm walking, penny board in hand, when I hear my name being called. Dammit. I turn around to see the large smiles of my two best friends. Here we go.

"Hey Victoria! Do you wanna go to the mall with Brandyn, Cameron, Nash, and I tonight?" Madison asks, pushing her straight blonde hair out of her face.

"I wish I could Madison, but I can't. You know how my mom is. I didn't do the dishes last night so I'm grounded." I lie smoothly.

"Oh come on! I'll drive you to your house and you can do them really quick." She pushes.

"Yeah! I'm sure your mom will lighten up." Brandyn adds.

"Guys, I don't wanna piss her off. Plus I don't want to third wheel you know that." Please just leave me alone, just for today.

"We can bring one of the guys friends!!" Brandyn says.

"Oh my gosh, we can bring Larson!! You two would be so cute together!" Madison squeals.

Im going to be sooo late.

I look at them both, with my signature "I'm not gonna budge" look. They sigh.

"Okay, but don't say we didn't invite you." Madison says in disappointment.

"I never do-" I smirk, giving them both hugs.
"Be safe, I love you guys and I'll see you tomorrow."

"We love you too." They say and start to walk to their cars.

Crap I am SO late.

I wait until they pull off and are far enough away to where they can't see me. Then, I haul ass to the back of the school where my beating happens. Don't think because I'm hauling ass I'm excited for the beating. It's because the later I am, the worse I'm beat. When I get there I see all of my bullies except Cameron and Nash. They're going to the mall with Brandyn and Madison.

Yeah that's right, Brandyn's dating Cameron and Madison is dating Nash. The only reason they're dating them is because they don't know about them bullying me. I didn't want to ruin their relationship cause they're both so happy with them. Plus, Cameron and Nash could just say I'm lying.

I put my book bag down and walk over to my bullies.

"Look guys the whore is here." Taylor says with a nasty smirk on his face.

"You're late, bitch." Jack G comments.

Taylor walks over to me and slams me against the wall. I hit the wall with an 'oomf'. Pain surges through my body and he starts to punch me repeatedly in the stomach as I double over in pain. He stops and then punches me in the face twice. I start to feel dizzy.

"This is what you get for being such a fat, ugly, and worthless slut." Taylor hisses, disgust laced in his voice.

He grabs my shoulders and shoves me to the ground, all of the boys start to kick me. I scream in pain. I see a foot coming at my head. Oh shit. I feel the gritty texture of the brick wall , everything goes blurry and then I black out.

Jack Gs POV

I was talking to Carter when I hear Taylor say something.

"Look guys the whore is here." Taylor says

I turn to see Cloud. Damn she's beautiful. Now I know what youre thinking, 'Why are you bullying her if you think she's beautiful?!' The truth is..I've had a crush on her since the 5th grade. The only reason I bully her is because Taylor forces me and the other guys to. We don't know what happened to him. As soon as high school started he started acting like a dick to everyone.

Broken ( Bullied by magcon ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora