Chapter 1 Birth, Childhood and early life

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In the dimly lit room of the royal palace on Mandalore, Duchess Satine Kryze's laboured breathing echoed as she endured the pains of childbirth for over 10 hours. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and tension. Satine clutched the bedcovers, her expression a blend of exhaustion and determination. As the first cries of new life filled the room, Satine's eyes met those of her newborn daughter, Kuvira. The newborn lay in the arms of a skilled midwife, a small, fragile being who represented the clandestine union between Satine and the Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi—a secret the Jedi was blissfully unaware of. In the shadows, Bo-Katan Kryze, Satine's sister, stood silently. With a mixture of duty and affection, she stepped forward to cradle the infant. Bo-Katan's resolve softened as she looked down at her niece, a bond forming between them that would shape Kuvira's destiny.

Satine, burdened by the responsibilities of ruling Mandalore, knew she had little time to devote to raising her child. Trusting in her sister, she made the decision for Kuvira to be raised Bo-Katan. Satine hoped that Bo-Katan would raise Kuvira to be a pacifist, Bo-Katan went behind Satine's back and trained Kuvira as a warrior. Thus, Kuvira's early years were spent amidst the clashing sounds of Mandalorian weapons, echoing through the training grounds where she learned the ways of her people under the watchful guidance of her ba'vodu.

In the heart of Mandalore, the training grounds echoed with the clinking of beskar'gam as Bo-Katan Kryze and her friend Ursa Wren imparted the profound wisdom of Mandalorian heritage to young Kuvira. Kuvira listened intently as Bo-Katan and Ursa delved into the intricate details of the 22 colours adorning beskar'gam. Each hue held a deep significance, symbolising aspects of Mandalorian history, honour, and individual accomplishments. Gray represents mourning a lost love or family member, red, which represents honouring a parent or leader, Black represents Justice, Gold represents vengeance, Green represents duty, Blue represents Reliability, Orange represents a lust for life or freedom, White represents the Cin Vhetin; which means a fresh start, or purity, Purple represents Luck, Pink respected or respecting someone, Brown represents valour, Maroon which is a brownish red represents power, Erin which is a light green represents a lust for peace. Scarlet or crimson represents Defiance or Relentlessness, Silver represents seeking redemption, Yellow represents remembrance, Teal which is a greenish blue represents healing, Bronze represents Nobility, rather they are in the form of noble intentions or high status, Cyan which is a light blue represents loving or in love possibly married, Tan represents Loyalty, Magenta which is a bright pink represents passion or passionate, and Pine which is a dark green represents guarding or protecting.

Amidst the ancient Mandalorian texts and weaponry, Bo-Katan and Ursa revealed another layer of Kuvira's education—the Resol'nare, The Six Actions, the sacred code that embodied the core tenets of Mandalorian life. Bo-Katan's voice resonated with authority as she explained each action with passion. "To walk in the way of the Mand'alor," Bo-Katan proclaimed, her eyes reflecting the weight of leadership. "To raise children as Mandalorians," Ursa added, her gaze flickering with maternal wisdom. Kuvira absorbed these teachings, her young mind embracing the ideals that shaped the very essence of Mandalorian identity. The trio continued, emphasising the importance of wearing the armour of Mandalore—a second skin that not only provided protection but also symbolised unity and kinship among Mandalorians. Ursa, with a stern yet nurturing demeanour, stressed the significance of speaking the language of Mandalore, a linguistic heritage that bridged generations and connected the Mandalorian people. "To defend yourself and your family," Bo-Katan affirmed, a solemn promise echoing in the training grounds. Ursa nodded in agreement as they continued to instil the essence of familial duty. The final actions— "To contribute to the welfare of your clan" and "To rally to the cause when called by your Mand'alor"— resonated as Kuvira absorbed the weight of responsibility that came with being a Mandalorian.

In the sunlit courtyard of Sundari's palace on Mandalore, the clashing of beskar'gam resonated as Kuvira, now five years old, engaged in spirited sparring with Bo-Katan Kryze. The air hummed with the energy of their training, blending the traditions of Mandalorian combat with the resilience taught by her warrior aunt. Duchess Satine Kryze discovered a revelation that sent ripples through her calm demeanour. Kuvira, her beloved daughter, exhibited signs of being force-sensitive. A sense of unease gripped Satine as she foresaw the potential consequences among those who clung to the old warrior ways, like Bo-Katan. Fearing Kuvira could be seen as a savior, Satine made a difficult decision to contact the Jedi, seeking their guidance.

As the Jedi arrived, the sparring ground transformed into a tense battlefield. Temple guards approached, their presence casting shadows on the Mandalorian warriors. Kuvira, caught in the confusion, felt the strong grip of the Jedi taking her away. Panic seized her young heart, and her cries echoed through the courtyard as she screamed for her aunt's help. Bo-Katan, her eyes ablaze with a mix of concern and fury, confronted the Jedi, demanding they release her niece. The tension escalated as Bo struggled against the temple guards, her fierce determination evident. "Let her go!" she roared, but the guards held firm, informing her that Satine had permitted Kuvira's departure to the Jedi Temple. Frantically, Kuvira continued to scream for her aunt, reaching out desperately as the temple guards led her away. The courtyard echoed with the heart-wrenching cries of a child torn from the only family she had known, leaving Bo-Katan to watch helplessly, her fists clenched in frustration as Kuvira disappeared from her grasp.

In the aftermath of Kuvira's abrupt departure with the Jedi, Bo-Katan's rage burned like an unquenchable flame. She confronted her sister, Duchess Satine Kryze, in the hallowed halls of the palace on Mandalore. The air thickened with tension as Bo-Katan, her eyes ablaze with a mix of heartbreak and disgust, let her emotions erupt. "You handed our own flesh and blood to the Jedi, Satine!" Bo-Katan's voice reverberated through the grandeur of the palace, her accusation laced with betrayal. The onlookers gasped in horror, the weight of the situation settling over them. Satine, stoic but burdened, met Bo-Katan's furious gaze. Bo-Katan curses at Satine calling her aruetii (traitor) and a hut'uun (coward, worst possible insult). The shockwave of those words rippled through the gathered crowd, leaving an uncomfortable silence in their wake. Satine, facing the accusation head-on, revealed the painful truth that lay beneath her decision. "I did it because I couldn't bear to see her training as a warrior with you," she confessed, her voice carrying a heavy mix of regret and defiance. The revelation hung in the air, an admission that shattered the expectations of Mandalorian tradition. The palace walls echoed with the tension between the sisters—one bound by duty to the throne, the other to the warrior's path. The gasps of the onlookers transformed into whispers as they grappled with the complexities of familial bonds torn asunder by differing ideals.

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