Chapter 5 Awaken 18 years later

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Amidst the Ghost's crew, Hera Syndulla held the mysterious Sith artifact in her hands, its dark aura palpable even in the confined space of the ship. Knowing the potential dangers, Hera initiated a holocall to Ahsoka Tano, seeking guidance. "Ahsoka, we found this strange artifact. Any idea what it could be?" Hera inquired, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and caution. Ahsoka's holographic image appeared, her lekku hanging loosely over her shoulders as she examined the artifact. "Be careful, Hera. Sith artifacts are usually powerful and unpredictable. Don't let it manipulate you." Meanwhile, Ezra Bridger, the young Jedi Padawan, couldn't resist the allure of the artifact. As he reached out, Kanan Jarrus, his master, warned, "Ezra, don't!" Ezra, undeterred, touched the artifact, and a surge of energy rippled through the ship. Kanan's eyes widened as he felt the disturbance in the force. "What have you done, Ezra?" The artifact emitted an intense burst of energy that coalesced into a swirling portal, casting an otherworldly glow. Out of the luminous gateway emerged a young figure adorned in Mandalorian armor. The Ghost's crew watched in astonishment as the mysterious visitor, appearing disoriented, whispered something in Mando'a, the ancient Mandalorian language. Hera exchanged a puzzled glance with Ahsoka, who strained to decipher the words. "Did she say 'Kote'? What does that mean?" Before any answers could be sought, the Mandalorian's eyes rolled back, and she collapsed. Kanan rushed to catch her, easing her onto the ship's floor. The Ghost's crew, now joined by this enigmatic Mandalorian, faced a new mystery.

In the hushed confines of the Ghost, Hera communicated with Rebel command about the astonishing events that had transpired. Rex, the seasoned clone trooper, leaned in and asked with a furrowed brow, "What are the symbols on the armor?" Sabine Wren, the Mandalorian artist, studied the images on the holoscreen and responded, "It's a mix of gray, black, gold, and red. There are symbols—a Nite Owl and a Phoenix." Rex's eyes widened, a flicker of recognition crossing his face. "Could it be?" Ahsoka, who had been silently contemplating the symbols, whispered, "Mandalorian armor with the Nite Owl and phoenix? It has to be her." Rex and Ahsoka exchanged a knowing look, their thoughts aligning with a shared history that spanned the Clone Wars and the twilight of the Republic. Ahsoka nodded solemnly, realizing the implications of the young Mandalorian's sudden appearance. "We need to bring her back to the base. There's much to discuss." Hera relayed Ahsoka's instructions to the Ghost's crew. "Prepare to make the jump to lightspeed. We're taking our mysterious guest to the Rebel base." As the Ghost charted its course toward the Rebellion's sanctuary, the crew pondered the significance of the unexpected arrival—a Mandalorian adorned in colors that echoed a legacy, bearing symbols that resonated with the stories of Mandalore's past. The journey had just begun, and with Kuvira's return, the intertwined destinies of Mandalorians and rebels were set to unfold in ways none of them could foresee.

As the Ghost touched down at the Rebel base, the crew, eager for answers, surrounded the unconscious Mandalorian clad in distinctive armor. Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Chopper, Sabine, and Ezra bombarded Rex with questions about the mysterious visitor. Hera spoke first, her tone a mix of curiosity and concern. "Who is she, Rex?" Rex took a deep breath before responding, "Her name is General Kuvira Kryze of the 501st Clone Legion. She was one of the most successful generals of the Clone Wars; she hardly ever lost a battle." The crew exchanged puzzled glances, trying to reconcile the image of a Mandalorian warrior with the esteemed reputation of a Clone Wars general. Sabine, intrigued, asked, "A clone legion general in Mandalorian armor? What happened to her after the Clone Wars?" Rex, a touch of sadness in his eyes, continued, "No one knew, just before the end of the war, Kuvira went back to Mandalore. We lost contact with her, and now she's here, 18 years later." Ezra, ever the inquisitive Padawan, chimed in, "Why now? Why did she end up here after all these years?" Rex sighed. "I don't know, Ezra. But whatever brought her here, it's not a small matter." The crew absorbed the weight of Rex's words, realizing that the arrival of General Kuvira Kryze marked the convergence of past conflicts and a new chapter in the Rebellion's fight against the Empire. As they prepared to learn more from the mysterious Mandalorian, the Rebel base buzzed with anticipation and questions.

Ezra, still perplexed, furrowed his brow and asked, "If Kuvira was such a successful general, why haven't I heard about her?" Rex, his expression carrying the weight of untold stories, replied, "That's because Kuvira is supposed to be dead." The crew's eyes widened with surprise, and Sabine questioned, "Dead? What happened?" Rex began to recount a tale woven with shadows of the past. "During the Siege of Mandalore, Kuvira faced unimaginable challenges. The war was ending, but darkness loomed. We encountered a Sith artifact, and when Order 66 was executed, everything went haywire." Kanan, sensing the gravity of the situation, urged Rex to continue. "What happened, Rex? How did she survive?" Rex took a deep breath, the memories etched on his weathered face. "The artifact unleashed a burst of energy, creating a portal. In the chaos, Kuvira and the clones were caught in its wake. The Empire never found her body, and they assumed her to be dead." Hera, her eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and curiosity, questioned, "And now, after all these years, she's here." Rex nodded solemnly. "That's right. The galaxy believed Kuvira to be lost, but she's resurfaced. The artifact, the Order 66, everything—it's a tale untold until now." The Ghost's crew absorbed the revelations, realizing that the mysteries surrounding Kuvira ran deep. As the echoes of the Siege of Mandalore resonated within the confines of the Rebel base, they understood that Kuvira's return was more than a mere twist of fate—it was a testament to the resilience of a warrior believed to be lost to the shadows of history.

As Kuvira abruptly awoke in the unfamiliar surroundings of the rebel base's medical wing, panic gripped her. Confusion and fear etched across her face as she surveyed the room, her hands instinctively reaching for the blaster at her side. Without hesitation, Kuvira bolted out of the room, her Mandalorian instincts guiding her towards what she perceived as escape. The Ghost's crew, alerted by the commotion, exchanged concerned glances. Sabine, fluent in Mando'a, recognized the distress in Kuvira's eyes. Swiftly, she approached, her voice gentle but firm in the Mandalorian tongue, "Buir ni jagyc verd, ad (Calm yourself, my lady). You are among friends." The words, spoken with the familiarity of Mandalorian kinship, resonated with Kuvira. She hesitated, eyes darting around, still wary but now caught in the pause Sabine had orchestrated. Sabine continued in Mando'a, "Come, let me guide you back. You're safe here, ad'ika (little sister)." With a reassuring touch, Sabine gently led Kuvira back to the medical wing. Kuvira commented, "I'm pretty sure I'm older than you." The Ghost's crew, watching the scene unfold, saw the exchange as a bridge between a lost Mandalorian and a newfound sanctuary.

Ahsoka and Rex, drawn by the commotion, arrived at Kuvira's side in the medical bay. Kuvira eyes widened as she looked at them. "Ahsoka, Rex, you've both aged." Ahsoka, with a wistful smile on her face, replied, "Yes, Kuvira. It has been a while." Kuvira, sensing the weight of the years she had missed, finally voiced the question that had been lingering since she woke up, "How long have I been asleep?" Ahsoka hesitated, her gaze meeting Rex's, before she explained, "You've been trapped in hypersleep between time and space for 18 years." Kuvira's eyes widened with shock, processing the staggering amount of time that had slipped away. The implications of a galaxy transformed and the memories she had missed weighed heavily on her. Ahsoka placed a comforting hand on Kuvira's shoulder. "It's a lot to take in, but you're not alone. We're here for you." As Kuvira absorbed the reality of the temporal displacement, the trio found themselves bound by a shared history, separated by the relentless march of time.

Rex, with a weighty expression on his face, decided it was time for Kuvira to know the painful truth. "Kuvira, there's something you need to understand. The clones, including myself, were implanted with inhibitor chips. When Order 66 was initiated, we had no choice but to try to kill you." Kuvira's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and sorrow as the revelation settled in. "Forced to kill me?" Rex nodded solemnly. "The chips controlled us. After the war, the Empire discarded us like trash. We were left to grapple with the consequences of our actions." The weight of the truth bore down on Kuvira, and she broke down, tears streaming down her face. The pain of betrayal, even from those she had considered brothers, cut deep. In a moment of raw emotion, Kuvira's sorrow turned to anger. She clenched her fists, yelling through her tears, "We should have listened to Fives! He warned us about the chips, and we didn't listen." Rex, his own eyes reflecting a mix of guilt and understanding, replied, "Fives tried to uncover the truth, but the system was too powerful. We were blind, Kuvira. Blinded by the very system, we thought we were serving."

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