Chapter 6 Pregnant?

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Kuvira stumbled into the medical ward, a wave of nausea overwhelming her. Sabine, noticing her distress, rushed over. Sabine: (concerned) "Kuvira, are you alright?" Kuvira: (grimacing) "No, something's not right. I've been feeling sick in the mornings." Sabine led Kuvira to a nearby examination table, where a medical droid approached. Medical Droid: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency". Sabine: "She's been feeling sick lately. Can you check on her?" The medical droid began its scan, and Kuvira anxiously awaited the results. After a moment, the droid displayed some information on its holoscreen. Medical Droid: (monotone) "Pregnancy detected." Kuvira's eyes widened in shock. Kuvira: (stammering) "That can't be. I was in hypersleep for 18 years. How could I be pregnant?" The medical droid continued its analysis. Medical Droid: "The pregnancy appears to be in an early stage, frozen in time during your hypersleep." Sabine: (softly) "Kuvira, this is a lot to take in. Do you remember...?" Kuvira: (whispering) "The last time I was with someone intimately was before the siege of Mandalore. It can't be." As Sabine comforted Kuvira, the medical droid projected a holographic image of the unborn child. Kuvira stared in awe, grappling with the unexpected reality. Medical Droid: "The pregnancy has not progressed during hypersleep. The child is suspended in a state of stasis." Kuvira, her emotions swirling, spoke to the holographic image. Kuvira: (whispering) "I never expected this. A child from a lifetime ago." Sabine: (supportive) "We're here for you, Kuvira. Whatever you decide."

The medical ward buzzed with activity as Kuvira cradled her newborn twin boys, a mixture of exhaustion and joy etched across her face. The soft cries of the infants filled the room, blending with the gentle hum of medical equipment. Sabine had fashioned a small Mandalorian-themed baby blanket for each, adding a personal touch to their arrival. Ahsoka, Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra entered the room, their expressions warm with congratulations. Ahsoka: (smiling) "Kuvira, they're beautiful." Hera: (grinning) "Twins! That's double the trouble and double the joy." Kuvira nodded, her eyes gleaming with pride, as she introduced her sons. Kuvira: "This is Rex Adonai Kryze and Hunter Fives Kryze." Rex, standing among the well-wishers, couldn't hide his surprise and gratitude. Rex: (humbled) "You named one of them after me?" Kuvira: (nodding) "Rex, you've been like family to me. It felt right." Rex: (emotionally) "I'm honored, Kuvira. Thank you." Kuvira then turned to Ahsoka, Hera, and the rest, explaining the significance of each name. Kuvira: "Adonai was my grandfather's name; Hunter was the leader of Clone Force 99 I often teamed up with during the Clone Wars; Fives saved my life; and Rex is, of course, for Commander Rex of the 501st." Rex, touched by the gesture, took a step forward. Rex: "Kuvira, it means the world to me. And to name one after Fives is a tribute to all our fallen brothers." Ahsoka, Hera, and the others offered their heartfelt congratulations, and as the room filled with the sounds of laughter and newborn cries, Kuvira embraced the newfound sense of family that had unexpectedly blossomed in her life.

In the quiet corner of the rebel base, Kuvira and Sabine worked diligently on repainting Kuvira's Mandalorian armor. The room was filled with the smell of paint and the soft hum of Sabine's artistic expertise. Kuvira: (contemplative) "I need to make it reflect who I am now, Sabine." Sabine: (nodding) "I get that. Armor is personal, and it tells a story." Kuvira dipped her brush into the gray paint, starting with the mourning color. Kuvira: (softly) "Gray, for those we've lost along the way." Sabine: (sympathetic) "It's a powerful color. Now, red." Kuvira painted a streak of red, symbolizing the honor she held for her parents and leader. Kuvira: (thoughtful) "Honoring my mother and those who've led me." Sabine: (encouraging) "Now, gold for vengeance." Kuvira added touches of gold, signifying the pursuit of justice and retribution for Mandalore. Kuvira: (determined) "Vengeance for what Maul did to my family and my home world." Sabine: (supportive) "Let's add black for justice. Your fight has always been about justice." Kuvira carefully applied the black paint, embodying her commitment to the pursuit of justice. Kuvira: (resolute) "Justice for Mandalore, for my mother, for everyone who suffered." Sabine: (smiling) "Now, the last one. Purple for luck." Kuvira hesitated for a moment before adding strokes of purple. Kuvira: (reflecting) "Luck is something we all need in this galaxy." As Kuvira examined her repainted armor, she noticed the Phoenix sigil. Kuvira: (skeptical) "I've been thinking of getting rid of the phoenix. It doesn't feel right anymore." Sabine: (thoughtful) "The Phoenix inspired me to create the symbol of the Phoenix Squadron. It's a sign of hope and rebirth." Kuvira considered Sabine's words. Sabine: (persuasive) "It's your history, Kuvira. Keep the Nite Owl for your clan, and let the Phoenix inspire others." Kuvira: (grateful) "You're right, Sabine. The Phoenix can live on as a symbol of hope." With Sabine's guidance, Kuvira's armor now told a richer story, reflecting her journey, losses, and unwavering commitment to justice and Mandalore's rebirth.

Kuvira found solace in the quiet corners of the rebel base, sitting with Ahsoka as shadows danced across the walls. A sense of unease lingered in the air as Kuvira took a deep breath. Kuvira: (earnestly) "Ahsoka, I need to know the truth. What happened to Anakin, my father, Obi-Wan, and the Jedi?" Ahsoka, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and understanding, was prepared to share the painful truth. Ahsoka: (softly) "Kuvira, it's not an easy story to tell, but you deserve to know. Anakin... he succumbed to the dark side. He became Darth Vader." Kuvira's eyes widened, grappling with the weight of those words. Kuvira: (whispering) "Anakin... no." Ahsoka: (gentle) "I'm sorry, Kuvira. And your father, Obi-Wan, faced Vader. It didn't end well." Kuvira's gaze dropped, a heavy silence filling the space between them. Kuvira (voice trembling): "Did any of the Jedi survive?" Ahsoka: (hesitantly) "Very few. Many were lost during Order 66, and those who survived faced persecution." Kuvira absorbed the truth, a mixture of grief and determination etched on her face. Kuvira: (resolved) "I can't change the past, but I can honor their memory." Ahsoka: (nodding) "That's a noble path, Kuvira. Your strength lies in how you shape the future." As the weight of the revelations settled, Kuvira and Ahsoka shared a moment of silent reflection, connected by the shared burden of the galaxy's tumultuous history.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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