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Trixie: Let's see how she looks.

( um idk who that girl is, but the pic goes to the rightful owner and she is pretty tho ) Mark: Well, that's her

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( um idk who that girl is, but the pic goes to the rightful owner and she is pretty tho )

Mark: Well, that's her.
Trixie: Who are you?? Why are you peaking into my phone?
Mark: You forget people so easily don't you?
Amber: Mark right?
Mark: I did give an introduction in the starting of the class.
Trixie: WAIT, how do you know her?
Mark: She is someone close to me?
Amber: But she is Popular asf, how did we not see her here?
Mark: Masks are to protect faces sweetie.
Amber: Eww, do not call me that. Oh well yeah, she might have removed her mask for now.

Lexa's Class

Lexa: Dang classes are longer than before. ( yawns )

She stands up and heads out of the class, just then she bumps into someone.

Lexa: Ouch.. Sorry
Aron: Dude watch where you are walking.
Lexa: Rude....

Then she sees Mark with Amber & ???

Lexa: Hellooooo
Mark: Oh you are here, how was your class?
Lexa: Boring as always- wait you are they?
Mark: Amber as you know and uh, you might know her too.
Lexa: eh?
???: I'm Tri-
Lexa: Nice to meet you too. But you're like popular here?
Amber: Doesn't matter, anw you can continue.
???: Thank god, anw Hi I'm Trixie. I hope you know me?
Lexa: OMG, you and here? I thought you and you know....
Trixie: Yea ik, long explanation to do but I'll do it.
Amber: At least lets sit somewhere and talk it out, instead of standi-
You know Im such a huge fan of yours?
Lexa: Me? Why?
Amber: Oh well David showed us a pic of you an-
Lexa: He wha- oh nvm, continue.
Amber: Are you guys close?
Lexa: Hell no.
Amber: I'm going to the cafeteria to meet my other friends, wanna join up?
Mark: sure.


Amber: Hey guys.
I want you to meet few people.
Erica: The only girl ik there is Trixie, the rest right?
Amber: Yup.
Mark and Lexa there. And I'm pretty sure you might know who they are?
Mark: Yup we do so dw.
Lexa: This rude guy again *mumbles*
???: You said something?
Lexa: No I'm sorry?
Brad: you know her?
???: Nah she just did not see while walking.
Lexa: It was you-
Erica: Okay Aron stop it, do not ruin the air.
Aron: you- I'll deal with you later. *to Lexa*
Brad: Hi I'm Brad. Did we meet anywhere? cuz you look familiar so...
Lexa: * in thoughts: yea we did, ik you and you do too* No sorry we haven't.
Brad: And Mark?
Mark: Nah, first time buddy.
Heather: Think about it once again.
Trixie: Leave them, they did this to me too.
Heather: Dang Trixie, I was just asking, why being rude babe?

Heather and Brad laugh

Erica: Both of you leave it at once, from what I heardyou guys were never like this. God knows why you guys changed so much.
Heather: Stuff babe, C'mon don't be mad, *acts cute*
Brad: I'm so sorry, it wont happen again *cute voice*

(A/N: no but I'm dying of cringe here 💀)

Erica: Omg you both know to blackmail me emotionally 😭
Jade: These two will never change. *shakes head*

Before anything happens the time stops.
but Only Mark, Trixie, Heather, Brad and Lexa weren't frozen.

Lexa: Tell me he came for her.
Mark: You think he did?
Lexa: Prolly yeah, cause who else will he come for?
Trixe: What am I missing on?
Heather: NO, what are we missing on?

Lexa: You do not remember us do you?
Brad: Are we supposed to?
Lexa: okay nvm then.
Brad: wait wait wait, hold up.
Do not tell me you guys-
Trixie: We are?
Brad: you are Tricky?
Trixie: okay one right for you.
Brad: Mark you are...
Mark: Since you have guessed who Trixie is then yes.
Brad: And Lexa you are...
But wait, Heather how haven't you recognised her?
Heather: How should I?
Brad: Lexa change it, I hope she will be able to.
Heather: Change what?
Brad: wait hold on

Lexa's Eye colour changes back to its original colour: Blue


Will be Continued.
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