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And here yet is the lunch time, so everyone rushes to the cafeteria to get their food and grab their seats. But all of a sudden there's a lot of rush near one table which pretty bad.

Seems that Mark's table had that rush and going forward we see Caroline near his table trying to talk to him, more like pestering him on something.

Caroline's POV

I recently heard that marks started apparently hating his own cousin, which seemed fun and also sad in a way but who cares right? so to add fuel to the fire I wanted to do something. I decided to join him for lunch today, my only one all time crush I really love him so much that I keep getting attracted to him even though my friends ask me not to.

When I decided to join him for lunch today, I had to at least make him my friend to separate them apart and also him to trust me which I will have a benefit on. 

I ask him " excuse me? may I have a seat here?" trying not to sound rude or mean, I guess one of his friend replied, "sure pretty this seat may all be yours" I try not to blush since it was the compliment i've been craving but not from him, from Mark.

"thank you" I reply and sit down next to Mark. Mark turns towards me and says "if you have business with me speak it out, or else you can leave....... I'm not in a good mood today" he rolls his eyes and turns towards his friends again. the last part he said, but it was in a very low voice as if I am only the person who was supposed to hear it. 

I start of nervously "um I do not have business, but I want to be friends with you" I spoke out finally. He gives me a side eye and replies "meet me at the rooftop after uni ends"......."lets talk there, you can leave now thank you". I internally start jumping and dancing, "okayy which rooftop may I ask?" I ask......"my building rooftop" he replies in an uninterested manner. 

I leave from there on the way to tell my friends what happened....

Lexa's POV

I was going to the cafeteria just to get some cups of coffee for myself, I then bump into someone. 

"Heyy bitch, watch where you are going" in a rude way, she says and leaves. Omg why are people like this??

Once I enter the cafeteria all eyes are on me, of course after the rumour that's what will happen. 
I ignore those stares and go to the counter to order. someone then pushes me and says "oops, i think i just crashed into the trash, let me just sanitise myself" and walks away like a bitch as she is. 

I order, get my cups and just walk out of the cafeteria because it smells rotten there with all those people who must be hating me out of their lives. 

I go to the rooftop since that's only the place where people do not usually go.....

"right she's just a bitch"........."how dare she do that?"................"but listen guys it's all rumours"........"exactly don't believe rumours"......................."the rumours might be true too".

Oh Jesus, please save me, get me a good place to be in peace. I leave from there too and go to my class. I drink up the 2 coffee cups I got and sleep off, since i have no appetite eating in the cafeteria with all those dirt bags. 

Just when I'm about to sleep....."dude get your ass up, you have some explanation to do Lexa".....why can I not sleep too now ? I turn my head towards the voice. Turns out to be Trixie, "what is it Trixie? at least you guys let me live in peace for once" irritatingly I yell at them.

"yes yes we will let you sleep, just explain this to us, why has brad done that?" heather speaks out softly. "like I would know why your boyfriend did that, why don't you go and ask him?"
"oh lord, he's not my boyfriend, but I want to ask you since you are our friend and also the victim here" heather replies.

"like I said he hates me, so why wont he do anything like that?"......"also when his friends believe him, there's absolutely no point in talking to him about it" I reply with a sigh. 
"there must be some way right?" trixie questions, "if there is it would have been good, but speaking about the fact that your own cousin hates you" i reply. 

"Mark hates you? excuse me what? what's going on? what am I even hearing from you lex..... tell me you are lying" heather asks me...."dude Mark is literally your cousin plus you guys are really close, so why would he hate you?" trixie questions me.
"he might have his own reasons, but at least believing your cousin over some dude you barely met after a while, is like him not trusting me from the start. More over someone out there will make our hate relationship even worse, I'm telling you trust me on this one." i sigh

"Believing Brad over you? oh right so called best friends, anyway who would want to ruin your relationship even more?" heather says. "you remember the girl clinging onto Mark today in the cafeteria? she will, I've heard her saying something to her friend over phone I guess." trixie says.

"she's such a bitch like always, you have no idea what she has done to me already for talking with Mark" Erica speaks as she walks in...."sorry for ear dropping, I just was interested in to see what you guys were talking about" she says again.

"haha no problem, you bumped into her too?" i laugh a little, "too? have you bumped into her lexa?" trixie raises her eyebrow. "yes I have 'Heyy bitch, watch where you are going' that's what she said"  as i continue "but also, I'm scared about Mark being her friend or boyfriend whatever".

"they are meeting up our building rooftop today after the uni ends, wanna go?" Erica says. "sure, I suppose we all are in for this one?" trixie says. Heather and me just nod.

Later that day

Author's POV

Caroline waits for Mark at the rooftop, and also the girls are hiding in there too. 

The door opens.

"so what do you want?" Marks says. "to be your friend Mark, I have no other bad intentions" Caroline speaks. "I do not know if you have bad intentions or no, as you are coming to me after half the sem gets over, what is that you want from me?" Mark rolls his eyes. 

"i'm coming now, since that clingy bitch is not there next to you now, I've been wanting to talk to you so many times but she has just been attached to you like a parasite" she rolls her eyes as she speaks.

"okay so first of all she's not a bitch, second of all you could have just came and talked with me, third of all why all you telling me all this?" marks says

*girls at the back: "did i hear that right? he just defended you"......"exactly!!! it's quite surprising"......"well yes to me at least"......"shh guys, let's hear what they have to say"*

"w-why are you defending her? it was clearly written she slept with guys!! do you not trust your own best friend?" Caroline cries out.

"I do not like her, yes I do believe what Brad said....but that's not even the point. why are you here is my question?" Mark says

"I told you, I want to be your friend, I hear you hate her so we could you know become friends, but thats the secondary reason.... so friends?" she says softly.

"o-okay, friends from now o-"

*ring ring ring*

Mark picks up the call
" yes yes, okay..... I'll be right there ..... yes, I'll get her too.....okayy.....bye mom"

" so where was I? yes lets be friends from now on, but for now I have to leave"....."bye"
he waves at her and leaves.


so here i'm ending it for now... 

I will come back later and writee

do leave your opinions :))

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