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The assassins were stronger than they thought . It was getting hard to fight them all off .

" Your highness you must run " he screams at her as she fights off the assassins with her sword.

" I will not leave you to die " she screams back at him.

" The king is dead and the prince has escaped . You must go " he pants out of breath .

" I can't leave you " she says feeling emotional .

" I promise I will come back to you " he says caressing her head before he killed another assassin trying to attack him from behind .

" Go now " he screams .

" Please be saf - ack " she says before she is cut off by a sword going through her abdomen.

He watched in horror as she dropped to the ground .

" DIANA !! " he screams before killing the assassin that attacked her .

" Cover me !" He screams to his knights .

His soldiers nodded before fighting off the last of the assassins . 

He ran to her side gently lifting her head .

" Raheem "She whispers .

" It's alright , you'll be okay we just gotta-" he rambles until her finger was placed on his lips .

" We both know I am not " she says feeling emotional.

" Don't s-say that I can't live without you " he declare. 

Her eyes got wide before she smiled slightly. This man was the only person that showed her what true love felt like . He was the personal knight of the king who was her husband . But it was all for not, because she felt herself drifting away from this world . She didn't want to leave , she wanted to see her son one last time .

" You must protect the Prince so that he may become king. Give him this and tell him that I love him please " she says putting the locket in his hand.

" N-no I won't have to tell him because you will be alright , I can take you to the physician and -" he says before she cut him off .

" Raheem , listen to me" she says weakly .

He stopped rambling and finally looked down at her .

" Thank you for loving me . Why did it take for me to die to tell you that I love you " she says holding his cheek.

His eyes went wide before he looked defeated.

" I've loved you ever since you asked me to dance " he says holding her hand on his face.

" If I could go back in time  , I would choose you " She says feeling herself fade in and out .

" Raheem -" she croaks out before her body went limp.

" Diana ? No wake up please , I love you please don't go " he cries before letting out a scream that could shake the earth.

He held her body and cried out in pain. It felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest . All he wanted was to see her beautiful smile again.


She opened her eyes to see her limp body being held by Raheem .

" Raheem I'm here " she says about to touch him but her hand went through him . She looked on in disbelief.

Where am I ?

" You are dead Diana Ranbridge  " a loud voice booms out making her jump .

She looked around only to see a man with a white robe . Only his mouth was seen .

" What will happen to my son ?" She asks not caring that she died .

" He will grow up to become one of the greatest kings to ever live " he replies.

Something in her heart relaxed slightly . 

" What will become of Raheem ?" She asks looking down at him still holding her lifeless body .

" He will serve the prince until old age " .

Even though I am gone you still fulfilled my wish she thought smiling down at him.

"So what now ?" She says looking towards the man .

" Granted it wasn't your time I will fulfill one wish " he says making her head snap to him .

" Send me back please " she says without thinking .

" If I send you back to this world your son will not be there and you will not be Queen . If you die in this world again you will not be able to reincarnate into this world again " he informs her .

" None of that matters "she says looking down at his figure .

" In this life I will choose you and not the king . I will live a happy peaceful this time . I will get my happy ending " she say looking determined.

" That it shall be,  I hope you will find your happiness this time " He says before putting his hand out towards me . 

I suddenly feel tingles all over my body before I passed out .

Diana POV

" My lady my lady, it's time to wake up " I heard a voice say .

I slowly opened my eyes to reveal my personal maid  Alexa.

The last time I seen her was when I got married to the king . Without thinking I pulled her into a hug .

" M-my lady " Alexa says slightly frightened.

" Thank you for being such a good friend to me " I say feeling emotional.

" Of course I will always be here for you my lady " she says finally hugging me back .

We hugged for a few seconds before she pulled away.

" Are you alright my la- what is wrong? " she asks looking flustered .

" I am alright , these are happy tears " I said wiping my eyes .

" Thank goodness you almost gave me a fright " she smiles brightly .

I looked up at her with a smile . She has always been so sweet.

" My lady we should get you ready now " she says holding her hand out to me .

That's right I never asked what year this is . But if I had to guess it was before the prince's birthday ball .

" What's on the agenda today ?" I ask.

" You have a fitting for the prince's birthday that will be held in two months " she informs .

So I have three months until I meet that bastard that only wanted to use me for my families power.

" Very Well get me dressed " I said feeling determined.

I will have my happy ending this time .

Hey guys I hope you liked this prologue this book is scheduled to be released January 2024

The first five chapters 🫣

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