Chapter 5

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Diana POV

The sound of the birds outside my window woke me up from my sleep. Unexpectedly , I felt lighter like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

Ever since I told Alexa about my past life , she has practically been there for all my needs .She's really the best .

We've gotten closer which I'm grateful for . I've also gotten closer with my aunt and uncle . It's been a three weeks since that day and most of the construction is done .

Amazingly most of the families have been already officially housed. The orphanage construction is officially done , so today I get to show them their new home which I am excited for .

Thankfully we've had know deaths and everyone has been healed. Many of the citizens had talents for cooking , sewing and even sword fighting . There was a lot more talented people in this town than I once thought .

We fixed some of the shops in the city square and have imported flowers to liven everything up. We currently only have a couple buildings left before everything is completed . Which should take another two weeks to build.

I was currently sitting in my room listening to the report from Benjamin since Sir John left a week ago . He is my father's aide after all.

" I'm happy to inform you that the fields are thriving and the citizens have been doing a good job working . We only have two more buildings to construct than we will be done with construction" , he informs me .

It's quite amazing how they worked so fast . We manage to get most of it done in a month.

Has it really been a month already ? It feels like time has been flying by so fast .

I technically have only three more weeks until I return home. I can't believe it , I have to see that asshole prince in three weeks . I was sulking at the thought.

Surprisingly there is a spring festival happening the last week of my trip here. My little cousin practically begged me to stay for it.

I caved in of course . I mostly wanted to go because I've never personally gone to one. Not counting the ones in the capital.

I've gotten quite attached to the people here . I knew it was going to be hard to leave when the time came . I just hope I can visit soon again .

" That's wonderful news, is that all?" I asked smiling .

" Yes that is all , my lady "he replies respectfully.

" Very than you may go, thank you for your hard work " I say politely.

" Of course my lady ",he replies with a bow before leaving .

" I'm glad everything is working out " I comment .

" Me as well, you've worked very hard my lady. I've never seen a person of the nobility feed and help heal the wounds of commoners . You are truly amazing " she compliments .

I giggle at her cheerful expression . She really was a joyful person when she is in a good mood that is .

After having a light lunch I made my way to pick up the children from the orphanage to show them their new home . Thankfully we had a big enough wagon to fit them all including their teachers .

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