Chapter 4

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Diana POV

You know usually when someone is woken up they are gently woken up to not give them a heart attack . But unfortunately today was not that day .


The sound of the door being banged on followed by the door being bursted open made me fall out of my bed in fright .

I fell onto the ground with a thud .


Just what in the world is going on !

I looked up to see my Aunt looking flustered and teary while Alexa looked defeated .

" M-my lady I'm sorry to wake you this way . It's just the Lady needed to see you urgently .

I blinked a few times before letting out a breath. This is a terrible way to wake someone up .

" Very well, Aunt what is the matter ?" I ask holding her hands . She looked at me still in shocked before grabbing my hand abruptly .

I looked at her confused as she dragging me to the balcony doors .

She pushed the doors open and pulled me along .

" Auntie , what could have you so- " I say before I let out a gasp .

There was at least two-thousand people and a hundred wagons and carts in front of the mansion.

This is going to be a problem .

Time Skip —

After a quick breakfast and me rushing to get in a dress I made my way out the mansion . I watched as everyone was running around like roaches trying to do all their jobs.

" Get it done before Lady Diana arrives !" I heard a man scream . I looked towards the voice and was stunned . What was my father's aide doing here ?

When he finally noticed me he approached me before bowing .

" My lady " he says respectfully .

" Sir John what is all of this ?" I question still in shock .

" Could I speak with you privately my lady ? " he asks respectfully.  

" Yes of course , this way " I reply guiding him into the mansion . 

When we got settled in the drawing room he handed me a letter from my father. I blinked a few times before talking the letter .

I opened it before reading its contents .

My eyes went wide before snapping my head up to him .

" It is as you read , his grace has gifted you the diamond mine and has given the upmost assistance to help restore Fort Warner to its former glory" explains as I'm still in shock .

I knew my father was going to go all out but I didn't think. 

I looked up to see Sir John looking slightly anxious . I let out a sigh because I'm sure I knew why .

" He knows I wrote the letter doesn't he ?" I ask even though I knew the answer .

"His grace knew from the start but only confided in me after your departure " he admits .

" That's understandable, is that all ?" I ask placing down the letter .

" No , his grace has also added five million gold to your allowance. He wants you be comfortable in your stay here " he explains.

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