Chapter 3

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Diana POV

One week later .

I couldn't help but to smile . I've been exploring the town for a while now and can't help but to fall in love with it . The people here are so kind even though they knew I was a noble. I've been treated like the average person which makes me happy .Although some people did gave me special treatment .

" Excuse me miss , would you like a rose ?" I hear a small voice say a distance away. I looked to see a little boy holding out a flower to a noble lady .

She scoffed at the kid before walking away with her servants . Why would anyone treat a child like that?

" Alexa how much gold do I have left on hand ?" I asked glancing at her.

" A little over a thousand gold my lady " she says after thinking a little .

" Perfect " I exclaim before walking up to the little boy.

When his eyes landed on me he instantly looked nervous.

" Would you like a flower miss ? They were picked fresh today" he asks holding out a rose to me .

" How much for the basket ?" I asked smiling down at him . His eyes got wide before looking flustered .

" Well I don't know , I would have to ask the Madam " he says looking anxious .

" Lead the way " I say gestured to him .

He gave me a nervous nod before walking down the street. The amount of poor and sick people I seen on the street broke my heart to the core . I even seen children which made me want to cry but thankfully I held it in . We followed him closely until we stopped at a large building that looked run down . Why does this place seem so familiar? Have I been here before ?

In big bold letters the word " St Pete Orphanage " huge on the front of the building . I instantly felt my heartache . How could children live like this ?

He guided us into the building and down a long hall.  It looked quite clean even though it wasn't well built.

" Is it safe to follow him , what if it's a trap " Alexa whispers to me .
I knew she was being cautious but come on have some faith .

" If it is I have you to protect me " I say smiling . She rolled her eyes before he stopped at a door .

He knocked twice and within seconds a woman that looked to be in her late 30s opened the door .

" Benny what brings you -" she says before looking at me and Alexa .

" Madam the miss says she wants to buy all of the flowers so I've brought her here " he explains .

Her eyes got wide before her neck snapped up at me .

" Oh my please come in " she says opening the door for us . We stepped into what I'm guessing is her office . She gestured us to sit on a couch that looked like the only valuable item in the room .

I took a seat while Alexa stood off to the side . I watched as she sat on the other couch before looking nervous.

" Hello my lady , my name is Joanna Woods " she says introducing herself before she paused .

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