Chapter 15

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It's been nearly twenty-four hours with four, back to back, heart surgeries. She finally dropped on her chair. Tired eyes looking longing at the brown paper bag. The only thing she had in last twenty four hours. Before she took the sight of a mountain of files beside the bag. Stretching a bit, she grabbed the first file, scanning its contents.

The room was silent except for the occasional scratching of her pen and soft ticking of the wall clock. Already done with the first pile, Sakura was halfway through the second pile when exhaustion finally began to show its effects. She re-read the same paragraph three times before giving up.

Her fuzzy mind didn't even comprehend when her door was knocked multiple times. Finally, a familiar face greeted her. The frown deepened on his face as he took the sight of her state.

He was saying something to her. She let out a loud yawn, half-lidded eyes watering and back aching.

"That's it, I'm taking you to your apartment." Sakura didn't even noticed but her arms were already up, ready to be carried.

Amusement danced in his warm brown eyes, "Up you go, you koala." Shikamaru drawled, hoisting her up in his arms.  Wincing as tremor of pain went through his side. The chakra burns on his side were worse. He came to get healed, but after seeing the state she was in, he decided to postpone it after she's well-rested.

They all had an extremely shit day. In his defence, he didn't know that telling Naruto would send Naruto into an intense blood rage. He would be one of the people to stop the half transformed jinchuriki to massacre the Konoha elders in the prison. Now, Shikamaru was all for killing the elders. But the paperwork for killing the convicted elders would a hell to deal with. Neji would murder him. Kakashi, that fucker, instead of helping him with naruto, went to helped Naruto breaking into the prison instead. At least Sasuke helped calming Naruto down. Even its by telling the jinchuriki that he's going easy on them. There should be more psychological torture involved. Tsunade was all too happy with all those chaos. Why wouldn't she be, she decided to pushed the paperwork to Shikamaru's Anbu Captain. He shiverered at the murderous look in those lavender eyes. They promised death. How is it his fault?

Who's bright idea was it to tell Team Kakashi about the letters and the scroll? Oh yeah, it was his own idea. He grumbled.. He looked up, mentally asking some deity for some mercy when Neji would come to him in retribution for all the paperwork he caused. It's a good thing. The news didn't reach their pink haired teammate. Shikamaru looked down at the nearly unconscious girl.

Sakura eyes were bloodshot and rimmed with dark circles, the telltale signs of sleep deprivation and prolonged fatigue, tiredness leaving its imprints on her face. Shikamaru carried her out. It was his turn to do that. Knowing the shit day she had, both Neji and Shikamaru were aware that today would be that kind of the day. Where Sakura threw herself to work till she passed out of exhaustion.

He was walking down the hall, holding the sleeping princess in his arms when he nearly collided with his old best friend.

Choji was looking at Sakura with concern vivid on his face. "What's wrong? Is she alright?"

"Overworked herself. I'm just dropping her to her apartment. " Shikamaru didn't know why felt the need to clear his intentions, but he did it anyway.

"Give her to me. You should get those burns healed." The boy said, voice barely audible. His frown deepened as Shikamaru shook his head.

"Nothing a good, night sleep couldn’t fix."

Choji sweatdropped at Nara's comment. He was about reprimand when a throat was cleared behind them.

There stood Kakashi Hatake, smiling innocently as if he wasn't just an accomplice in a felony. Before either of them could say anything, the pinkette in his arm was replaced with a wood log with a fucking Henohenomoheji drawn on it's face with a post-it note that said.

'I got her. Get healed before I tell your mother.'

Shikamaru resisted the urge to commit felony himself, of killing fellow, superior ninja in cold-blood. 'Paperwork. He's not worth the Paperwork.' He kept chanting in his mind.

He wonder if choji will help him with the hypothetical Paperwork. Turning to look at the man, chomping on potato chips, and offered one when he saw Shikamaru looking at him. Yes, yes he would. Shikamaru sighed with small smile.

Naruto and Sasuke were nearly asleep when Kakashi appeared with their pinkette in his arms. Naruto shot up from his bed before groaning in pain. Sasuke, who was laying beside him, smacked him on the back of his head without a hint of mercy, "You're still recovering, you menace." He hissed.

"He's right, Naruto." Kakashi admonished him, before nodding at Sasuke, "Scoot over."

Sasuke rolled further into right as Sakura was placed between him and Naruto. Her usual fake smile and glare was absent. As she lies in peaceful slumber, her tired face embraces a serene calmness. The gentle rise and fall of her chest, the soft glow of her skin in the dim light, and the slight furrow of her brows speak volumes of the day's endeavors. Her every feature, though marked by weariness, exudes an ethereal grace, a testament to her enduring strength and beauty. In this moment, she is a portrait of tranquility, and Sasuke's heart is filled with a deep admiration for her unwavering resilience. Not that he would mention it to anyone. Or himself.

Naruto wasn't any different either. He held a pained groan as he turned over to look at her better. He took a deep breath. His sensitive nose catching the her scent underneath the antiseptics and disinfectants. Hints of earthy sandalwood lend a grounding presence, weaving together a tapestry of warmth and reassurance. Like a soft, billowing breeze, her scent invites you to linger, captivating the soul with its gentle allure. It is a fragrance that mirrors the depths of her compassion and the nurturing spirit she embodies.

In every breath, her scent enchants, leaving a lingering trail of serenity that lingers long after she has passed. It is a fragrance that speaks of kindness, wisdom, and unwavering support, a testament to the beauty of her soul.

"Stop huffing over her like a stoner."

"Go jump off the Hokage Tower, Teme." Came a retort.

Sasuke huffed, closing his eyes, ignoring the lovesick idiot. Doesn't Naruto have any dignity. Sasuke could never.

Kakashi who left to get a blanket, came back to find both boys exactly how he left them. Chuckling at them, he tucked in his princess.

Aware of the staring Uchiha, he bit back a smile, "If you want to be tucked in too, just say so, Sasuke." His comment was replied with a murderous glare.

"I want to be tucked in too, Kaka-Sensei." Naruto chimed.

This time, he did laughed. But complied with blonde's request. Once he was done, he stood at the corner of the bed, looking at his family with fond eyes. Not able to resist it, he pulled up his headband, forever capturing the serenity of the scene with his Sharingan.

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