Chapter 19

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When the next time she woke up, it was due to the pecks all over her face. She grumbled a little while she swatted the face of the person who smelled like pine.

A deep chuckle made her eyes flutter open. She furrowed her forehead before closing her eyes again.

"Oh no, you don't." Kakashi admonished, "Come on. You need to eat first." He nuzzled in her hair. A smirk pulled on the corner of his lips as he raised his head and gave a playful bite on her bottom lip.

"Kakashi." She whined. His smirk grew into a grin as he saw the green eye glaring at him in irritation.

"I'm up."

He kissed her cheek, "Thank you. Now, go brush your teeth, your breath stink because you're empty stomach."

She squawked in indignation, "Rude! If you hadn't noticed, I just woke up."

Kakashi laughed. It was a beautiful sound. It almost made her forget about his rude comment.

Seeing her pouting with her face puffy with sleep made him melt a little in side.

"I noticed, alright. And if you don't want to walk around with swollen lips, I'd advise you to stop tempting me with those pouts. Even your bad breath won't stop me from ravaging them." The teasing glint in his lone eye made her blush.

So she did the most mature thing she could do while caged in his arms. She stuck her tongue out at him, causing another wave of laughter to break out of his chest.

"Where's Naruto?" She asked once she looked around and noticed the absence of the certain blonde.

"In the balcony, mediating."

"Naruto mediates?" The disbelief in her tone made another amused chuckle slip out.

"Who's being mean now 'ttabayo?" Both turned to find the shirtless blonde leaning against the balcony doorframe.

Before she could respond, a loud growl echoed through the room. Heat crawled up to her cheeks as she made a beeline to the bathroom to brush her teeth, completely ignoring the amused grins on both men at her apparent hunger.

"The spare toothbrush is in the cabinet under the basin!" She heard Naruto calling out as she closed the door.

One look at the mirror caused her turn even redder. She was donning an oversized shirt with a Uzumaki swirl in the front. With nothing but a pair of boxers underneath. The neckline was falling down her right shoulder, exposing the myriad of bruises and bite marks all over her throat and shoulder. Lifting the shirt, she noticed the dark trail of hickies spreading over her chest to her thighs. Her gaze stopped on the bite mark surrounding her right nipple. It was covering her entire areola, making it look redder than its twin.

To summarise, she looked absolutely ravaged. In a very hot way. She noticed a faint scent of bath salts coming from her and realised they bathed her after giving her the best orgasms of her life. And now, she's being fed a home cooked meal. Is that what it feels like to be pampered?

Once she was done brushing her teeth, she washed her face and adjusted the shirt. She finally emerged from the bathroom. She noticed both men waiting on her as they sat at the dining table across from each other. The chair between them was empty, and the steaming dishes were untouched.

Her heart warmed at their gesture to wait for her before eating. Clearing her throat, she was about to pull her chair when Naruto stood up, and he pulled her chair out with a charming smile.

"Sit, Sakura-chan." Sakura rewarded him with a grateful smile as he pushed her chair after she sat down.

"So, what's up with lovebites? Is it one of the kinks I should keep in mind." She said, eyes transfixed on the steaming dish.

Kakashi, who was setting up the serving of stir-fry vegetables on Sakura's plate, gave his signature, close-eye smile. "Whatever do you mean, Sakura. "

Naruto snorted from her left before leering at the exposed marks on her, "I love my marks on you. If I could, I'd never let them fade." He said without a hint of shame, then suddenly frowned, "Unless you don't like them. I won't leave them if you don't want them."

Sakura bit her lip, squeezing her thighs a little, "I like them." Her words made his lips stretched into a bright smile.

"The Hatake Clan has some canine traits imbued in their DNA for generations. If I can't leave my baby in you yet, I'll settle for leaving my marks on you." Kakashi rested his chin on the back of his hand.

"Fuck, she would be stunning." Naruto breathed, already imaging it. Her curves more pronounced, her skin with a healthy glow, and her eyes sparkling with a newfound sense of wonder and anticipation. The sight of a pregnant Sakura's belly, round and full, a testament to the miracle of life and the power of the human body.

Naruto let out yearning sigh.

"Uh.. no." She refused before giving it a thought and adding, "Maybe in a few years." She watched in amusement as both of the men perked up at her words, eyes gleaming with profound joy.

It broke her heart a little. How they both long for a family of their own. Giving them both a sweet smile, she picked up chopsticks with an enthusiastic, "Thank you for the food!" And began to inhale the food. Naruto and Kakashi following her right after.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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