Chapter 8

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Sakura couldn't gather a single coherent thought anymore. She simply continued to stare, and stare, and then her hands began to shake at her sides. She gripped the fabric of her skirt in both hands, clenching with her fingers as her heart pounded in her ears.

She was still reeling, but she breathed deep and pulled on the façade she had used so effectively in the past, her publicity face. The one she used when she didn't want to show exactly what she was feeling; the one she used when there were people out to hurt her, to bleed her, to lessen her.

Sakura never let them.

Never let them see who she really was.

From a distance, Sakura flashed a smile at the man infront of her, though she kept her hands clenched into the skirt. "Uchiha-san, it was my duty. But I accept your gratitude. You're welcome." she replied with a careless air.

A beat, then, "So, Anbu huh? You changed alot."

She bristled, but her smile never once faltered. In fact, she could feel it tightening, sharpening, before she replied, "Well, yes. Being a full-time fangirl doesn't really pay the bills, does it?"

There was another pause, but it seemed lighter this time, and then finally she heard a couple of chuckles. "It doesn't. It's good thing you realize that or these talents would have gone wasted."

Did he just complimented her? Sakura's mind stuttered again. She was getting absolutely tired of the sensation, but she was feeling really out of her element.

"What?" Sasuke in question asked, looking at her oddly.

Her stare was piercing, taking him all in, as best as she could, and Sasuke tilted his head slightly as he observed her in turn, trying to figure her out.

"Why don't we sit down and catch up?" he finally ventured.

Her eyes immediately narrowed. "Catch up?" she hissed. "There's nothing to catch up!"

Woah, okay there.

Sasuke lifted both hands in a placating gesture.

Lord, she was a spitfire. He had known the new Sakura for barely twenty minutes, and yet she'd already stared him down.

She finally sighed, her eyes fluttering closed for a brief moment before they opened and her gaze pierced right through him again, "Listen, I really can't be all fake buddy buddy shit with you, So spare me the small talks. It's good to have you back, Don't fuck this up. Later." With that she sat down and started to read her book, completely ignoring the existence of the man standing over her with surprised face.

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