Chapter 3

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Sakura tried as hard as she could to keep her eyes open, focusing on the sleeping form of Itachi. Although, she was finding it increasingly difficult as the surprisingly peaceful silence was making her drowsy, even with her uncomfortable position of sitting beside his bed. She was low on chakra and had been healing Itachi for hours now. If she had to guess it was probably around midnight; through the window she could see the ink-black sky dotted with the occasional white sparkle.

She violently jerked awake when her head slammed backwards into the hard wood. Her eyes snapped open and her hand shot up to the back of her head. She really tired herself out.

"Sakura, you can go to home. You need to get your strength back."

The sudden sound of her former sensei's voice startled her. She looked at Tsunade and nodded, finding it difficult to refuse such a generous offer. She had no trouble in shunshin to her bedroom and fall in her warm bed, letting her sleepiness take over...

Sakura woke with a start to the banging of her front door and the buzzer going off simultaneously. The wicked, Scarlett eyes from her dreams faded with the daylight as she opened her own eyes.

Groaning, she rolled over to see by her clock it was only 8 am.

"Somebody better be dying," she mumbled.

Barely having had enough sleep to function after healing the Akatsuki member and then staying up all last night, she got up and turned on the coffee maker as she walked through her kitchen and living room to the front door.

Sakura opened the door, unsurprised to see Neji standing there, his lavender eyes glaring at her. She tried to shut the door in his face, only to be stopped as he put his foot into the jamb.

Sighing she turned away, leaving him to let himself in as she went back to the kitchen to get herself some coffee. If she had to deal with him now, he could at least wait until she had some caffeine.

Neji followed her through her house, his eyes taking in her wrinkled cloths, already predicting the temper tantrum from the exhausted kunoichi. He grunted at her she turned to see that smirk.

"What do you want?" she grumped, pouring herself a cup while she breathed in the aroma of her coffee to help wake her up.

"Don't you think you should have changed before going to bed?" He leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed.

"No. I was in up all night and the day, and a night before that! Got home three hours ago! So, No. Changing before bed wasn't my first priority, and I didn't invite you in here. State your business and leave." She looked at the clock on the wall. "You have exactly three minutes and then I'm going back to bed."

She turned and dumped out her coffee, deciding she wasn't ready yet to get up today. Unfortunately, The Hyuga had another plans, "We have mission, Sakura. I swear Shikamaru is rubbing off you." He nodded at the couch on the living room, "Go, and get dressed. I'll wait here."

Green eyes glared at him, "Fine." She growled before storming into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

The door hinges break, causing the door to crash on her floor with a loud crash. Neji merely sighed. It's her seventeenth door. He's lucky she didn't punched him to Hyuga compound this time. Sleep deprived Sakura is not the most amused Sakura when it comes to impromptu missions. He opened his pouch and pull out the dango he bought as peace offering and set on the table before going to the kitchen to prepare some tea to calm his pink haired teammate. Be the Anbu captain, they said. It would be fun, they said.

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