Chapter 3: End of Masquerade

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Baam's feeling dumb.

Baam: Khun.. just kissed me..

wha- what should I do?!

Baam couldn't help but recall the moment in his head, causing him to blush all over again. The fluttering butterflies in his stomach returned as he thought about how to face Khun now. He never expected such a sudden confession from him.

He is listening to his heart, which wouldn't skip a beat, and place his right hand over it.

Baam: This feeling..


Baam paced back and forth really quickly for a few seconds at the balcony thinking what he should do. He is feeling anxious but he knows he needs to face this before Khun go anywhere further and he's unable to catch him.

He knows what this feeling is and he is also keeping it inside all this time. He can't make him suffer for longer than he already does. He should've told him sooner too.

Baam utilized his shinsu wings and soared towards the direction where Khun had flown earlier, hoping to track him down. He ascended to great heights and diligently scanned the area for Khun's whereabouts. Fortunately, he didn't have to go very far as he spotted Khun still in transit to one of the floating islands on the current floor. Baam hastened his pace and in no time, he had caught up to Khun. Baam grasped Khun's left hand, which was chillingly cold, and endeavoured to either halt his escape or at least slow him down.

Baam: Khun.. Stop!

Khun keeps flying straight and tries to shake Baam's hand off.

Khun: It's okay, Baam. You don't have to force yourself to answer right away or force yourself into me just because I have feelings for you.

Baam: No, listen!

Baam tried to grab Khun's left hand again but with more force this time. However, Khun remained stubborn and continued flying with his head down without paying attention to where he was going. Despite Baam's efforts, Khun even increased his flying speed.

And suddenly, something dropped on Baam's shoulder. It's a droplet of water.

Baam is puzzled. He looked at the sky and it was clear with all the stars above. He confirmed it was not raining.

Baam realised Khun must be crying. His eyes are filled with worry now.

He's still holding his hand and both of them still flying across the sky.

Baam: You're so stubborn.

Baam released his grip on Khun's hand and accelerated his flight, hovering above Khun. He swiftly grabbed Khun's waist and pulled him back forcefully, catching Khun off guard. This sudden manoeuvre halted Khun's momentum and caused Baam to embrace him from behind as they floated in the middle of the sky.

Baam: huff huff

Baam: Why do you have to go so fast?!

You didn't even wait a bit if I wanted you to give me time and space to think.

Baam tightened his embrace around Khun's waist. His cheeks turned red once again, and his heart pounded loudly in his chest. Baam moved even closer to Khun as if trying to eliminate any space between them. He buried his face in Khun's back, feeling the coolness of his body soothe his burning cheeks.

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