Chapter 11: Winter's Curse

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Winter fixed his hood and put it back up and decided to walk away but just when he was about to, Midnight caught his arm and stopped him.

Midnight: Wait..

Winter, right?

Your eyes...

He paused for a moment. Hesitating yet he proceeded anyway.

Midnight: I.. It's unusual and almost like mine.

D-do I know you?

Are we related?

I feel like we've met before.

Midnight and the other people present watched as Winter's expression twisted into a grimace, followed by a deep sigh. His hand, previously open, slowly curled into a tight fist. Suddenly, as if in a flash, Winter vanished into thin air, leaving behind a strange aura that shook and distorted the space around them. It seemed as if time had stopped, as Midnight and the others appeared frozen in place. After a few moments, Winter reappeared, now wearing a blindfold, and the area returned to its normal state.

But suddenly, Midnight seemed to be lost in thought.

Midnight: Uhh.. What was I asking you again?

Steven: Hey. Ask him if he wants to join our team too.

Midnight: Ohh right.

Do you want to join our team again to climb the next floor?

Midnight appeared to forget what he was asking, but Winter shook his hand off. However, Midnight caught his hand still.

Midnight: Wait.. your hands..

It's too cold. It's like you're freezing!

But it's hot out.

Winter shook him once more and again broke free from Midnight's grip.

Winter: I- I'm fine.

As Winter turned around, his expression changed drastically. He no longer looked upset at Midnight, but rather appeared to be in immense pain. With a grimace on his face, Winter started walking away with a slow and unsteady gait. The red-haired girl who had been standing nearby rushed after him, trying to keep up with his pace. However, she stumbled and fell to the ground, her hands scraping against the hard surface.

Midnight and Steven stood at a distance, watching the scene with a mixture of shock and concern. Both of their eyes widened comically...

Steven: What a klutz...

The red-haired girl stood up as quickly as she could.

Red-haired girl: Ouch! Winter, wait!!!

Then she chased after Winter and finally caught up to him.

Red-haired girl: You sure walk fast and I just fell trying to keep up with you!

Winter: ...

Winter: Yet you're already here, standing and walking.

Red-haired girl: Yes, I'm fine! Thanks for asking!

The red-haired girl scowled but proceeded to talk.

Red-haired girl: Anyway, you've done it again, haven't you? That's why your hands are freezing.

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