Chapter 2: The Moon's Love to the Night (Pt 2)

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Baam: You.. love.. me?

But.. how?



Baam is baffled by what he just heard. He couldn't even think of any reason to be loved. He never sees himself as someone who can be loved because he's nothing but trouble from the very beginning. He's weak before and even now that he's gotten stronger, he only attracts more problems and always seems to put everyone's life in danger whenever he tries to stick with them.

As much as he wants to be with everyone, the tower appears to be always cruel and he always finds himself farther and farther from them whenever he gets stronger. It's painful for him to be around his friends these days because he knows what's at risk. So it doesn't make sense for Baam to be loved and the thought of anyone staying by his side.

He wants it more than anything in the world to be with his friends forever in this tower but if he becomes greedy, and he's not even strong enough to protect them all, he thinks he might just end up losing them all. Though he is always doing his best, it doesn't seem to be enough that he can for as long as others want to either kill him or use him for something they desire.

So why would anyone want to love him?

Khun: That's right!

You're the reason I still keep going. You make my life more meaningful with whatever you do. Despite the dangers you always put us through. You make it worth living for that I finally have something I am fighting for more than my own life.

You make me smile genuinely when you are happy when I don't even think it was possible before.

You make me sad and feel the deepest sorrow when I thought you were dead. I never felt so emotional. With you, I lose all my senses and to think logically and it doesn't make sense. You make me do things impulsively without me having to think or have doubts about it as long as it's with you.

Baam is flushed and standing still. He could barely believe what's he saying.

You're curing my betrayed heart when I thought I could never trust anyone anymore.

With you, I simply do and I don't know why! Sometimes, being with you feels confusing and overwhelming. At first, I was worried that you were changing me from who I was before we met. I hated that you make me feel so many emotions and allow me to express them without fear or hiding behind a facade. I've always been so cynical with everyone, but with you, I feel so sure and I feel like can let go of that part of myself. I feel scared to be vulnerable at the same time. Even though it feels strange and wrong, it also feels right.

Why and how are you doing this to me?

Why do you make my heart race when we're together? Why do I feel so empty when you're not around?

Baam was just there, still standing stunned by what he was hearing.

Khun: It doesn't make sense at the beginning but I finally figured it out. It's all because I have fallen in love with you. I love you for making me feel this way.

You make me experience things that I never thought I would whenever I stick with you.

All of it is because of you.

and that's why.. Your very existence is the very reason I'm still here fighting for it all.

You make me more human, Baam..

Baam finally found his voice at the back of his throat and tried to speak.

Baam: Khun...

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