Chapter 12: Partners

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Winter offered his hand to Do-yoon to help her up.

Do-yoon: Thanks.

The red-haired lady finally got back up on her legs.

Do-yoon: I looked for you for lunch but you weren't answering from your apartment so I looked for you.

Midnight is analysing the situation.

Midnight's thoughts: Hmmm.. That's impressive. He knows exactly where to find him considering how big this floor is.

Midnight smirked.

Winter: Why?

Midnight: Yeah.. It's not like you can't eat your lunch alone. Is he holding your wallet?

Do-yoon eyed Midnight, looked irritated, and pointed at Midnight with an annoyed straight face.

Do-yoon: True but someone else was looking for you when I arrived and wanted to see you. And why is this kid here?

Winter: Ohh? Who is it? And yeah.. It seems he still wanted to have me as his teammate.

Do-yoon: I see. Well, you'll know when you see him. Come on! Let's not keep him waiting.

Winter: Where is he?

Do-yoon: He's outside the building.

Winter: ...

Do-yoon ushered him to the nearest elevator to go outside and Midnight followed along.

Midnight: And why can't he just enter and go with you to see him?

Do-yoon: You'll see.

As they stepped outside, the sun had already set, but instead of the lingering light that should have been present at dusk, an unusually dense darkness engulfed the light in front of them, as if a colossal shadow loomed over them.

Midnight: Why is it suddenly so dark in here? At the rooftop, it was still daylight. Did someone cover the sun?

Do-yoon gestured upwards, prompting the three of them to follow her gaze.

Midnight appeared visibly surprised, while Winter maintained a composed expression as he observed the scene above.

Midnight: Woah!

What is that?!

Do-yoon: A giant kitsune. That's why he can't go with us. He's too big to fit in the door and even with a compressed size, he would look like a pet and pets aren't allowed inside this establishment..

Winter: Inari!

Giant kitsune growled loudly and everyone in the area covered their ears.

Winter: What's wrong?

Inari: Winter!

Inari bowed down and cried and Winter patted its head.

Midnight: He's gigantic. Can't he decompress right now?

Do-yoon: Yeah.. That's the issue. Not today. He kinda overused his ability to compress and decompress during a test so he's being punished for it for a day by the administrator. You know there are some restrictions as to when and how a Compression Licenser can adjust their body size, as abilities granted are often subject to certain limitations to prevent abuse and possession of excessive power. But he tried to see what would happen if he abused it. So here we are. Stuck with this.

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