Chapter 2

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(Dying from working on two books at a time...)

Reo and Nagi looked up at the person they had bumped into. "I am so sorry, I-" Reo began but was cut off mid-sentence. "Shut up your prick!" Barou yelled as he pushed Reo out of the way, that, got Nagi's attention. "Who do you think you are?" Nagi asked calmly but with a slight hint of anger in his voice as Barou turned around to glare at Nagi. "I am the king. Now shut up and scram." Barou growled as he continued walking.

Nagi clenched his fist, he wanted to punch Barou so badly but was stopped by Reo. "It's ok Nagi, come on, let's go to class." Reo then took Nagi's hand and led him into the classroom. The teacher wasn't there yet so they both went to their seats and sat down. Suddenly, a girl came up to Reo. "R-Reo..." The girl started but couldn't get any words out of her mouth.

"Yes? What is it?" Reo asked with a warm smile on his face. The girl's face instantly turned red as she pushed a letter with a heart on it to Reo and ran off. Reo was confused at first but then decided to read the love letter.

"Dear Reo, I have liked you for a long time, I can't help my feelings anymore. You are the best person I have ever met. Please find me if you would like to go out on Sunday." Reo read out loud as he thought for a while and sighed. Reo looked at Nagi who was not amused nor annoyed, rather calm.

"Nagi, let's go find her." Reo said as he took Nagi's hand. "You're going to accept her confession?" Nagi asked with a confused look on his face. "No, I am just going to tell her that I have practice with you on that day and apologize." Reo shrugged as he searched around for the girl.

After a few minutes of searching, they found the girl. Reo slowly walked up to her as Nagi scoffed and let out a deep sigh. "Reo sama? Do you like m-" Before the girl could finish her sentence, Nagi cut her off. "He has practice and he's just here to apologize. He doesn't like you." Nagi said calmly as the girl's heart shattered into millions of pieces.

"N-no... Reo... it's not like that right?.." The girl choked back her tears as she said that sentence. Reo scratched his neck and looked down awkwardly. "Sorry..." Reo muttered as the girl burst into tears. "How could you?! You played with my feelings! You scumbag! You and your stupid friends!" The girl shouted as she slapped Reo across the face.

Reo's eyes widened as he put his hand on his cheek and winced. Nagi saw Reo wincing and quickly checked up on him. "Reo, are you ok?..." Nagi asked as he took a closer look at Reo. Then, he looked at the girl with an unusually cold look.

"You know, I am not trying to be rude but isn't Reo a little too out of your league? Plus, you can't even take a rejection without calling the person who rejected you a scumbag. You're overreacting. It's disgusting." Nagi said calmly as the girl was taken aback by his words.

"Y-you-" The girl stuttered as tears kept streaming down her face. "Reo will never like a girl like you." Nagi whispered as the girl ran off once again. Reo looked at Nagi and gave him a forced smile. "Thank you, but don't you think that was a little too harsh?" Reo questioned as Nagi shrugged.

"I mean, she slapped you so I guess she deserved it?" Nagi yawned as the bell suddenly rang. "I guess it's time for class." Reo spoke as the two went to their classes. The last two classes were boring, nothing happened and Nagi was sleeping in class again.

(Home time)

"Finally... school is such a hassle..." Nagi complained as he said goodbye to Reo and walked back home. As Nagi reached where he lived, he walked over to his bed and flopped onto it. Then, he took out his phone and began to play games on it.

After a few hours of playing games, he became hungry, but he didn't want to get off his bed. "Reo..." He mumbled as sat up and realized that Reo was not with him. 'Hm?.. Oh yeah... Reo isn't here... am I getting a little too dependent on Reo?' Nagi thought as he laid back down and sighed. Just as he decided he should just sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about Reo. 'Why am I- What- I-' Nagi thought as he closed his eyes and tried his best to sleep. 'Why do I keep thinking of him?..." Nagi questioned himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

<Author's note>

Hope you enjoyed this story and I will see you in the next chapter!
- lol_cheese

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