Chapter 3

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(The next morning)

Reo picked Nagi up again for school, Nagi seemed to be more tired and clingy to Reo than usual. "Reo... waking up in the morning is so troublesome..." Nagi complained as he rested his head on Reo's shoulder. Reo chuckled as he gently caressed Nagi's hair. Nagi leaned into his touch and closed his eyes as Reo caressed his hair. "We're almost at school, Nagi, can you wake up?" Reo asked as he kept caressing Nagi's hair gently. Nagi yawned and nodded drowsily.

As the two walked through the school gates, they saw Isagi walking in as well. "Hey, Isagi! Morning!" Reo called out as he waved at Isagi's direction. Isagi glanced at Reo and Nagi and waved back as he walked towards them. "So, how are you?" Reo asked as Isagi sighed. "I'm alright, I got sick yesterday so I couldn't come." Isagi said as Reo nodded. "Heard that news from Bachira yesterday. Are you feeling better now?" Reo asked, slightly concerned for Isagi.

Isagi nodded and gave Reo a thumbs up. "Yep! All better now! Thanks!" Isagi smiled at Reo as he said that sentence. Reo smiled back at Isagi, happy that his friend was feeling better. "Are we going to class now?..." Nagi yawned as he rubbed his eyes. Reo looked at Nagi with a shocked look, then, he pulled Nagi close to him. "Woah, Nagi, you never asked if we are going to class. Are you feeling ok?" Reo asked as he examined Nagi from head to toe.

Nagi's heart suddenly skipped a beat as Reo checked if anything was wrong with him. Then, Isagi looked at the time and tapped the two on their shoulder. "Hey, it's almost time for class. Let's go!" Isagi said as he quickly ran to class. Isagi, Reo and Nagi had the same class first period so Nagi and Reo quickly went to class too to avoid being late.

As they arrived at the classroom, Reo saw that Isagi was already in his seat, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Reo and Nagi quickly got into their seats too just before the teacher walked into the classroom. The teacher began to talk about what they were going to learn in that lesson as Nagi slowly drifted off.

Reo noticed the sleeping Nagi and began to wonder. 'He's not moving at all. Is he dead?' Reo panicked as he decided to test it out by throwing an eraser on Nagi's head. Nagi immediately woke up and stood up quickly. Everyone looked at Nagi in confusion as he stood up. "Sit down Nagi!" The teacher scolded as Nagi glanced over at Reo who was trying to hold back a laugh.

(At lunchtime)

Nagi sighed as Reo grabbed his hand and walked towards the cafeteria. "Do we need to go?..." Nagi muttered as Reo didn't reply and kept dragging him. "Reo, why did you throw the eraser at me?..." Nagi asked as he crossed his arms and refused to move. Reo looked at him and chuckled. "I thought you were dead so I was just checking if you really are or not." Reo said as Nagi let out a huff and yawned.

As the two arrived in the cafeteria, they saw Bachira celebrating something. Then, he tried to feed Isagi and was polity declined by him, Chigiri, who was sitting beside them, watched as Bachira kept trying and trying. As Bachira was about to say something, he noticed Reo and Nagi. "Reo! Nagi! Over here!" Bachira called out as he waved at them. Reo and Nagi walked over to the table where Bachira and the others were and sat down.

That's when they noticed that Kunigami was missing. "Where's Kunigami?" Reo asked as Nagi slumped down on the table. Bachira shrugged as Isagi looked around. Chigiri tilted his head as he realized that Kunigami really wasn't there. "Weird, I saw him in class 2 periods ago." Chigiri said which caused the whole friend group to be confused.

After a whole three minutes of confusion, Bachira gasped. "Oh! I remember! He told me he wasn't feeling well and was going home!" Everyone sighed in relief as Bachira said that, if someone just went missing randomly, it would be pretty scary. Nagi tugged on Reo's sleeve as he rubbed his eyes. "Reo... feed me..." Nagi muttered as Reo smiled and fed Nagi his food. Then, something no one ever thought would happen happened...

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