👑⭐our date⭐👑

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•place: giyuu's estate/house•
•Giyuu:20 yrs•

No one's P.O.V:

Giyuu got up early and cuddled shinobu who was right next to him she then woke up and smiles she turns around to face giyuu then looks at Shinobu who was awake and then shinobu gently pinches giyuu's cheek
And started to chuckle giyuu smiles at her girlfriend and then he then got up and goes to the bathroom leaving shinobu by herself after Shinobu got up and she then goes to the kitchen preparing food she made giyuu's favorited simmered salmon daikon
After giyuu finished taking a shower and putting some clothes on he walked towards shinobu and kisses her cheek(Ara ara~ I made you're favorite giyuu~ please enjoy!)(thank you nobu)giyuu then ate after giyuu was done he washes the dishes for shinobu and then suddenly the door bell rang and Shinobu quickly answers it(Ara ara~ who will this be)(hello Kocho!) Shinobu looks at the woman who had a red kimono and then knew who it was she gently smiles and says(Ara ara~ what a suprise! Giyuu is just right here! Feel free to come in tomioka chan~)(oh please call me tsutako only kocho!)(ofc! Please come in!)tsutako came in and sat down the couch while shinobu gives her salmon daikon tsutako then eats and lived every single part that she bited it
(Hmh! You're cooking is so tasty Kocho! Do you mind if I cook?)
(I don't mind at all~)(hello sister-)
(Giyuu!!! How is my little brother doing?!)(I'm fine please feel free)(oh I asked you're girl*wink wink* if I could cook!)(well you can but why are you winking?)(oh~~~ we don't need to talk about that I'll go now)(Ara ara~ she really loves U doesn't she tomioka?)

A few moments later
•time check:1:00 P.M•
Shinobu and giyuu leaves the house and buys groceries after coming back they see something they didn't expect

No one's P.O.V:

(Huh? Why does the house look fancy?)(I have the same question)
Then a shadow came out and suprisingly it was tsutako
(Suprise!!!)(sister? What happened here?)(oh I thought I would make you guys a suprise date! So I worked very hard to prepare everything and bake different kinds of foods!)
Shinobu and giyuu looked at the table to see cake, simmired salmon daikon,
Including Shinobu's favourite ginger
Sukhodoni and other kinds of tasty looking foods (please enjoy you're date I worked very hard to suprise you guys~)(Ara ara~ that's nice if you you worked so hard in this just for us...but we were planning to have a date next week...)(don't worry nobu we can have a date now I really don't wanna ruin you're effort sister so I'm greatful)(wow~ you became a real gentleman tomioka~)they both sat down the chair and picked what they wanted to eat first ofc shinobu picked ginger sukhodoni and giyuu simmired salmon daikon they ate and eventually after one tiny bite they loved it and ate it very fast
(Ara ara~Mhm! You're really good at cooking!)(my sister is the best isn't she?!)(you're embarrassing me! And thank you i appreciate that you loved my cooking!) A while later they were full and was sleeping on the table because they ate so much delicious food tsutako smiles and gently drags Shinobu after she dragged giyuu gently so he wouldn't wake up to there room and she then left after

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