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•place:the butterfly mansion•
•Au:genderbend/gender swap•
•time check:2:27 P.M.•
Top: shinobu

Guy's I promise😭I'll make
Something that you would enjoy!!
This is the genderbend au after all
So giyuu is the girl
And Shinobu the boy
Pls don't hate because of this part
☺️Thank you if you understand ☺️
🌺🌹💐My flowers 🌺🌹💐


Shinobu's P.O.V:

I was just walking down the hall of the butterfly mansion when I saw giyuu & tanjiro
Talking to kiyo when they were done giyuu noticed me so I thought it would be fun to talk to her I then ran forward waving my hand and smiling at her
(Tomioka saaannn! How are you?!)
(Kocho?)I stopped and bended my knees so I can reach giyuu's height
(Ara Ara~ how are you?)
(I'm fine now I wanna go...)
(Eh?~ but I thought we are going to have a conversation!!!)(leave me alone..)(THIS is why nobody likes you~)
(Hmp...says to the one who says that everyday...)(so is she okay?)(who? Is okay?)(oh you're so cute!~ and I meant tanjiro)(she's fine and kiyo? He was just talking to tanjiro)(Ara ara~ that's cool!)(then now Leave me alone...)
When giyuu said that she just turned to the other direction and walked away I looked at her as she walked away and suddenly I had an 💡 idea💡
(Ara ara~ oh? Well I'm sorry but you can't)I then walked towards where she was going and stopped her
(I said leave me alone)(what are you gonna do walk right pass me?)
She then glared and looked very mad
And she just randomly clenches or she moves her one  fist 👊 looking angry
[Idk what that post is called sorry😭]

Giyuu's P.O.V:

I became super mad at Shinobu and wanted to punch him in the face but when I did she grabbed my wrist and then he managed to lift me up over his shoulder[yk the position tengen did to slap aoi's cake]and carry me somewhere I don't know (what are you doing?! I said leave me alone!)
(Oh does my baby wanna do this the hard way?)I blushed soon as I heard that and she then gave me a slap on my A$$ making me blush very hard
And I didn't know what was happening

•time skip•

No one's P.O.V:

Shinobu took giyuu to a private room where nobody was there and Shinobu threw giyuu on the bed(K-kocho?)
He didn't respond and just crawled up to the bed and started to kiss giyuu's neck(mhm~)giyuu moans out of pleasure and after a while Shinobu took of both of they're Haiti's and Shinobu started to unbutton they're uniforms (a-ah~) giyuu looks away while Shinobu puts giyuu's legs on his shoulder and letting him adjust after that shinobu lined his member at her hole and started thursting very hard each thurst shinobu did was getting faster and faster(ngh~ ah!~)

•time skip after they did it•
I know you guys wouldn't enjoy this au sooo T_T
That's all I'm putting my flowers

Im sorry if I had ended it early 😭
I promise I'll make it much longer
That's all my flowers 🌺🌹💐😭

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