Chapter 3, Lost book

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Malcolm Pov :

I sat by the fire next to my siblings, Everyone was singing, laughing, yapping on and on, Usely I talk to my siblings, but tonight I could only thing back to the morning when we found Conner in the forest whit a bloody and broken leg. What was he doing out in the forest that early in the morning? I was lost in a trance starting twords where Travis and Katie sat. No matter what the stoll's say, they can be easily told apart. You just have to know how to see the differences first.

Like Conner is slightly shorter than Travis, which says a lot because Travis is already one of the shortest at camp, who both are a part of the older kids at camp. Conners eyes are a different shade than Travis's eyes, and Conner is the smarter one. Even if I don't talk to them, like at all, im still a very active lisener. I know that Conner is the master mind behind most pranks, Travis just makes them happen.

I looked at the two, Conner wasent sitting next to Travis like he usely dose. it slightly worried me, but why? I have seen demi gods hurt before, badly. And I have seen berials, why am I worried for Conner? He's a stoll after all, and his pranks on the Athena cabin are not funny at all. I guess they way he looked so small and the fright in his voice that morning made me realize he's not just a prankster.

Malcolm : "Hay Annabeth, I'm gonna go to our cabin."

Annabeth turned to face me, stoll laughing a bit at something Piper said and nodded. I stood up and made my way twords the Athena cabin passing the Hermes cabin in the process. The light was on, witch is strange beacuse usely everyone is at the camp fire and when leaveing a cabin all alone during the day all light are out, Leaveing the lights on would be just plain stupidity.

I walked up twords the Hermes cabins porch and walked over twords one of the windows where the lighted shines through.

I have never been to the Hermes cabin, I was clamed very early on arriving at camp, so I never got the chance to see the inside.

I peeked through the window and saw around 8 bunk beds, I guess they had to make many bunks for campers that got placed there before getting clamed. but it seemed like only 7 beds were currently used. The others looked un made and empty. In one of the beds, I saw a human shape lay under a star themed blanket, I could make out, fluffy, curly brown hair laying gently on a pillow.

I didn't look long into the fairly messy cabin for too long and decided to leave before someone caught me being a creep.

I walked twords the Athena cabin and up the porch. Fuck. The door is locked, and Annabeth has the key, Great. I walked around the cabin twords, the biggest window located by the general work area. Thank the gods. The window was slightly cracked. We always keep it Sligh open because the room can get extremely hot if we don't.

I push the window open big enough for me to fit through it. I knock over a glass with pens in it, aponed entering the cabin. I quickly pick up all the pens and put them back into the glass. I closed the window up but left a crack for breeze then whent to lay in my bed.

I looked up twords the ceiling before I decided to grab a book to read, I got out of my bunk and walked over twords the book shelf, I ran my fingers along the many books, I whent from A to B, to C, to History, Architecture, Witch had the most books. I stopped my finger on fiction. Yes, we read some fiction, We mostly like facted based books, but it's nice to get a break from reality sometimes.

As I let my fingers run across the backs of the books reading their titles, I came across a hole. "What the?" I spread the books apart a bit, Yep. A book is missing. I look over twords the board on the wall where if we take a book from the shelf, we will write it down on the board, Who took it and whitch day and what ganrait is. Just to be organized.

As I read the board, none of the books taken are fiction books. Maybe one of my siblings forgot to Wright it down? I decided not to wonder too much and walk back to the shelf to pick out another book, and wroght it down on the board.

about 2 hours later, my siblings walked into the cabin laughing and talking, some more tierd than others. I didn't bother to look up at them.

Annabeth : "Hay Mal, How did you get in? the door is locked, and I forgot to give you the key"

Malcolm : "Window"

Clara : "You climbed through the window?"

I looked up from my book and glanced at them with my normal straight face, but i raised an eyebrow to look annoyed a bit.

Malcolm : "Yes."

George : "woah there, what's up with you?"

Nikki : "What do you mean? All I see is our normal, beautiful little brother, Mally."

They laughed and tessed me, It's honestly so annoying when they do this, Our mother blessed you with being smart at birth, and you chose to make dumb comment testing like this? Like what.

I didn't reply and went back to reading if everyone got settled in the cabin to chat a bit before bed.

Malcolm : "Hay, a book is missing from the shelf. "The Tales Of Heros" Fiction section"

They looked at me and then at the shelf twords the distinct empty place of a book in the fiction section. I placed a book mark at the place I was and closed the book, putting it on my bedside table. I listened to them, trying to figure out who had taken the book, but everyone denied taking it.

After around 20 minutes of searching for the lost book, we gave up and decided to try again tomorrow.

I sleep peacefully, knowing my siblings did not.

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