Chapter 10. Love is stupidity

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I'm so fucking stupid, what the fuck is wrong whit me, Malcolm and me? ofc he doesn't love me, He's just fucking whit me. Beacuse why would anyone like me? I'm just a dumb hermes kid who pranks maybe. I'm delusional from Travis starting dateing Katie, Oh mo wait sorry, There just "talking", and making our behind the Hermes cabin, He srs don't think I'm that dumb.

You kinda dumb for falling for a guy who would never love him back.


Sorry, I will be quiet and right about you. but Hi guys!!! Arthur here!!!

Shut up. This is my breakdown moment.

Geez, fine.

Malcolm walked closer to the bed room door knowing ge fucked up badly. he game 3 gental Knocks.

Malcolm : "Connor?"

Connor: "Go Away!"

Malcolm: "Can't really go anywhere, were stuck on a boat together"

Connor : "Just! Leave me alone!"

Connor yellow back standing up and walking closer to the door to hear if Malcolm Left. He didn't hear a sound for a bit.

Malcolm: "I dont want to so that, Connor."

Connor : "Why! Why can't you just go!? Leave me alone after breaking my heart!"

Malcolm: "What?"

Fuck.. I messed up I shouldn't have fucking said that, I can't tell him I'm on love whit him, Not after clearly rejecting me, but what choice do I have? I mean now or never, I guess..

Connor : "Im in love with you, Malcolm! And you just straight up rejected me there! I'm so emberessed for EVER likeing you. And I.. Im sorry.. You just.. When I'm with you, I feel something I have never feet before for anyone."

I'm so fucking emberessed right now.

Malcolm listened, He blushed and was quite happy that there was a door between them, But at the same time he just want the door to disappear so he could pull Connor into a hug and say he feels the same.

Malcolm : "Open the door, connor."

Connor, Deafeted, Lisened, and unlocks the door, looking down at his feet while Malcolm opens the door, Malcolm looks down at Connor, who dared not to look back at Malcolm.

Malcolm: "Connor.."

Connor : "S-Shut up.."

Malcolm Reached his arms out pulling Connor into a hug has Connor just cries into Malcolm's sholder, They sick down to the floor, Connor sitting on Malcolm's lap as Malcolm drags his hand across Connors back conferting him. After a few minutes, Connor stopped crying, well stopped enough to talk again.

Malcolm : "Connor?"

Connor : "Mh.."

Malcolm : "I love you."

Connor : "Do you?"

Malcolm : "Yes. I do."

Connor nuzzled his wet face into Malcolm's sholder more.

Connor : "Do you.. love me the way I love you?"

Malcolm: "Connor, I have spent 5 days whit you on thos boat in the middle of no where and I have loved it, every secend. I might not have been in love whit you from the beginning but we have spend 120 Hours together just us, and you have shown me how fucking amazing you are, and how cute you are when you wake up"

Connor : "Ugh, shut up about my bed hair."

Connor joked, hitting Malcolm lightly on the arm before closing his eyes and tightening his grip around Malcolm, He turned his head to face Malcolm's neck and leaned closer giveing Malcolm a quick gental kiss.

Connor: "Also that was corny as fuck"

Malcolm: "I know cringing about it right now"

Connor let out a laugh and pulled away from Malcolm. He stood up and walked over to the drawer, taking out a shirt and throwing it at Malcolm.

Connor : "Put it on."

Malcolm: "Why? Thought you thought I was hot. "

Connor : "Oh? You are, but when did I say that"

Malcolm stood up and put on his shirt before answering.

Malcolm: "You talk in your sleep, One of the reasons I fell for you."

He says, walking closer and wrapping his arms around Connors waist, They stood there hugging a little bit, Malcolm gave Connor a kiss on the forehead before letting go of him.

Maclom : "Come in, our breakfest won't make itself.."

That's all it took for Connor to start dragging Malcolm back to the boats kitchen and stand on the side watching as Malcolm made their breakfest.

Nerd & Jockster (Malcolm × Conner, Malconner)Where stories live. Discover now