Warriors? Completely.

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I was getting ready in my room when I felt like a weight had settled over me.

A sense of worry and anxiety filled my thoughts, lingering from yesterday's loss to Marcel.

All I could think about was the imminent training sessions ahead and the possible failure that awaited me.

But, somehow, I managed to pull through the mental fog and put on a strong face.

Despite the fear and nerves, I forced myself to take a deep breath and face today's challenges.

As I forced myself to relax, I realized there was something else weighing on my mind alongside the looming training sessions.

There was an unexpected feeling of discomfort and confusion that came over me when I thought of a particular person: Pieck.

I couldn't quite explain it, but after our interaction yesterday, something had shifted in the way I viewed her.

As though that incident with her had somehow brought us closer, as though she had revealed something intimate about herself to me.

I was aware that she hadn't, but yet, there was this underlying sense of intimacy and closeness that had come over me.

I felt as though I finally got a glimpse of her beneath the playful and unbending exterior she always displayed.

I stepped outside my room, taking a deep breath as I prepared myself for the day's training sessions and another confrontation with Marcel.

As I walked along the training fields, I couldn't help but feel my heart racing, already anticipating the day's challenges.

Once I found Marcel, he was already waiting for me, his expression stoic as always.

"Ready?" He asked, his tone stern and matter-of-fact.

I nodded, my body shaking slightly.

I tried to slow down my breathing and maintain my composure, but it was difficult.

I stepped up to face Marcel, my heart pounding in my chest.

This time, I would not let him take me by surprise, I would not let him beat me again.


It had been two years since I started getting beaten by Marcel every day, and it was tiring.

Having to put up with Marcel's relentless training was taking a huge toll on my mental and emotional state.

But, I knew I had to push through and not let it bring me down.

I'd learned so much from my time alongside Marcel. His relentless drilling had paid off, and my skills and abilities had drastically improved.

But, it was still hard to shake off the feeling of unease that I found when I was around him.

Like some kind of lingering tension that refused to be broken.

We'd developed a complicated relationship, filled with tension and admiration, and a sense of rivalry.

I couldn't deny there had been moments of frustration and anger, but through it all, I had learned so much.

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