Chapter 4: Jan

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Jan and Todd are sleeping together in a bed. A Bomb toy somehow actives itself, it falls to the ground. Jan woke up from this, and investigates. She sighed, as she picked up the Bomb toy. The toy suddenly actives again, and it ran out of Jan's grip, it ran really fast. "Wait!" Jan ran after the toy. She looked outside, and turned on the porch light. As she looked at the window, everything seemed fine. She opens the door and goes outside. "Somebody there?" Jan called out normally. She can hear that same voice she had heard earlier: Jan! It was a whisper. She went completely outside, unaware. She can hear that voice again: Jan. It seems to be coming from a alleyway. "Who the hell is that?" Jan said. She walked over to the alleyway. Jan is now in the alleyway, she looked around. Then a garbage can lid rolled, and made a clash sound. Jan swiftly turned around. The shadow of that same figure earlier in Jan's dream is behind her. Jan swiftly turns around again. The figure is visible, he is wearing a blue and dark red striped sweater, dark grey pants, black shoes, he also has a burned and disfigured face, both on the left side on his face. The figure calls out: "Jan..." he laughs a little. "Shit." Jan is getting scared. The figure's arms grew long, as he laughs more. The scalpel glove reached, some metal, making that screeching sound, sparks fly as the scalpel glove is dragging across the metal.

"Please God..." Jan said nervously. "I..." The figure paused for a moment, he puts his right handed glove on his cheek. " God." The figure wanted to kill her. A lightning strike is heard, and Jan ran away, the figure is chasing her, he is laughing. Jan looked behind, then the figure is infront of her now! She ran the other way. "NO...NO!!!!" Jan screamed. Jan ran back to her backyard. She slammed the wooden door. As she's almost to the door of her house. The figure pops out from behind a tree. "Jan!" He exclaimed. Jan looked at him. "Watch this." The figure said, he cutted off two of his fingers on his left hand with a scalpel finger, it spurred out purple slime. Jan gasped. The figure laughed more. Jan ran to the door, but the figure grabbed her. "HANNAH!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" Jan screamed. Both fell down. Jan is struggling. She puts a hand on the figures face, but the skin of the figure's face slides off, revealing his skull. The figure is laughing evilly. Jan is screaming. Todd woke up to find Jan thrashing around in the bed, while also screaming. "Jan?" Todd said. Jan didn't stop thrashing. Todd pulled off the blanket, and Jan is still thrashing around. The figure is on top of Jan! "HELP ME GOD! HELP ME!" Jan screamed. "Jan!!" Todd yelled. Suddenly, four large cuts sliced through Jan's nightgown and her flesh. Blood oozed out from the wounds. Jan started moving in the air. "JAN!!" Todd yelled again. Jan's head knocked into Todd, making him fall. Jan creeped up the corner of the wall. "JAN!!!" Todd yelled louder. Then Jan fell on the bed, blood splattered on Todd. Jan is dead. "Who did this!? I'll kill you!" Todd yelled out. This obviously woke Hannah and Garry up. "Whats going on?" Hannah tried opening the door, but its locked.

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