Chapter 6: Return To The Boiler Room

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Hannah went into some sort of boiler room. "Jan?" Hannah called out. She saw pipes, and water on the ground. "Jan...?" Hannah called out less. Then the figure appears again, with Dirt Bag's armor on (except for the helmet). Hannah saw him, and she began to slowly back away. The figure walked slightly towards her. "Who are you?" Hannah asked. The figure took off the chest plate of the armor to show his skin, then he used a scalpel finger to cut his chest, there is purple blood coming from the wound, and maggots are in the figure's body. The figure swiftly puts the chest plate back on. He grins evilly. He raise his right hand with the scalpel glove, and approaches Hannah. She backed away and uncover some sheets revealing a wall. The figure is laughing maniacally. Hannah backs away, the figure raises his scalpel glove, moving the fingers. Hannah is now scared, ran to the right. She is now lost in a boiler room, its like a maze. Hannah backs up quickly against a wall. The scalpel glove appears from the left, and the figure spots her, grinning evilly and laughing maniacally. Hannah is breathing heavily. The figure puts his scalpel fingers on a pipe, clanking at first, but then dragged them across the pipe making that terrible screeching sound. "Gonna get you..." The figure said, as he approached Hannah slowly. The figure held the scalpel glove up. "IT'S ONLY A DREAM!" Hannah shouted. "Hehehe...come to Spooky." Spooky said. "GODDAMN YOU!!!" Hannah screamed. Spooky sticked out his tongue and it goes up and down quickly. Then Hannah slams her arm against a pipe, causing it to burn her skin, it made a sizzling noise. Hannah screamed, but Spooky puts the scalpel glove down.

Hannah wakes up and is screaming and freaking out. The entire class is shocked, and looked at her. "NOO! NOO!!" Hannah screamed. The teacher rushed up to her. "HEY IT'S OKAY IT'S OKAY" The teacher tried to calm Hannah down. Hannah did calm down. "Are you okay?" The teacher asked. "I need to go home..." Hannah exits the classroom.

Hannah exits the school. Then she noticed the burn mark on her arm, like it actually happened in the dream...

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