Party. 💙

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The sun started to set some over Lonesome Flats, Delta thought it was the appropriate time to officially start the party, And with all the lights and everything that was set up everyone would still be able to have fun and party collectively. Delta walked into the barn that had a table with Clampers presents on it, a large cake on a separate table, and of course it was heavily decorated on the Inside. She stepped up on a small stage that was usually used for country shows, Ringing a bell to alert everyone that they could come inside, Clampers stood next to her proudly on stage.

"Alright partners! Who's ready to celebrate this little gals party?." Delta said with a smile as she looked over at Clampers, Who was smiling brightly and giggling some as she looked and waved at the crowd that had gathered in the barn to celebrate. The crowd cheered.
"Alrighty then! Cooper, Prince D, Get that Music up and goin'!."
And with that the party officially started, Guy Diamond and Tiny Diamond were running the punch table while Cooper and Prince D were handling the music as told. Bruce was playing with all of the younger trolls since he had experience from playing fun little games with his kids back home, Clay was walking around making sure there were no safety hazards, Viva was braiding other Trolls hair and running a little face paint station, Poppy and Branch were greeting people who came slightly late to the party, And John Dory..Well he was just off to the side..Watching Delta laugh and socialize with other trolls.

"Hey, Are you alright bro?." A sudden voice came from beside him, It was Floyd.
"Hm? Oh Yeah! Yeah..Im alright just, I don't know I have this weird feeling."
John replied, Swirling some punch around in a cup that he'd been drinking from.
"Weird feeling huh? Is that why you keep staring at that country troll leader?." Floyd asked with a smirk, Thinking the feeling that John was talking about was a crush or something of that nature.
"No this is..I don't know it's like, I feel bad like..Emotionally."
"Guilt?." Floyd asked confused, "Why on earth do you feel guilt at a birthday party?."
"It's..It's complicated stuff, I don't wanna speak much on it."
"That's okay, Just know you can come to me if you ever wanna speak on it." Floyd said with a smile as he gently patted John on the shoulder, "Why don't we push those bad feelings away and maybeee..Do some singing? To take your mind off of it." He now said as he looked at John with a bright and hopeful smile.
"BroZone at a birthday party huh? You know that's not such a bad idea, Floyd." John said with a smile.

Floyd hopped up on stage while John Dory went and whispered something to Prince D and Cooper, Which they seemed to understand the memo and changed the music to 'Perfect' which was a song BroZone used to be known for performing. As soon as Clay, Branch, and Bruce heard it they instantly looked at each other with bright smiles and hopped up on stage along with John and Floyd. The trolls seemed to gather around as they watched the Boy Band Sing and do their choreography. Poppy was a part of the crowd until she noticed Delta standing way far behind the crowd, Her face a mix of a stern expression and a slightly sad expression. Poppy decided she'd go check on her.

"Hey, You alright?." Poppy asked As she approached Delta.
"I'm not sure.." Delta replied, darting her eyes to the floor for a moment. "I may as well get out of this barn before I fall in love with John all over again.." And with that, Delta walked out of the barn.
"Wait..What!?." Poppy asked in pure Shock as She jogged out of the barn and after Delta, Who was leaning on the outside structure of it. "You were in love with John Dory?!." She asked, a shocked expression still visible on her face.
Delta sighed a bit. "It was a Long time ago..We were young...It was not long after he left that little boy band of his and became a survivalist." She said as if she were disgusted.
"W-Why did you two break up!?." Poppy asked clearly intrigued with this whole situation.
Delta punched the bridge of her nose with a long sigh. "Poppy..No offense but..It's not a subject I like speakin' on."
Poppy nodded slowly, Understanding this May be a sensitive subject for her. The two left the conversation at that, Switching to talk about how the party seemed to be going extremely well so far.

What they didn't know, was that the song had ended not too long ago, And Floyd was gonna head out to get some fresh air until he heard the conversation going on with Delta and Poppy. He listened in just enough to know that Delta and John Dory were apparently exes. Which shocked him, But now it made sense on why John Dory didn't want to speak on it. Now he just had to figure out why the two broke up..At some point during the party he planned to get to the bottom of it.

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