Truth. 🧡

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John walked off into the crowd of trolls, Going to enjoy some cake as well as get him some more soda. Floyd watched him walk off, Even though he told John he could leave the whole story at this he still felt a curiosity nagging at him. Which made him feel guilty, John Dory had told him all these things willingly and he still couldn't let it go. Floyd tried to walk these feelings off by talking to his brothers, Trying to socialize with other trolls whom he hadn't known, and even went and bought a birthday card for Clampers just to give it to her, He was really trying to get the whole John Dory and Delta Dawn Roman Empire story out of his head.

"Alright everyone, Let's get to the gift givin'!." Delta announced while ringing a bell, Which easily snapped Floyd out of his thoughts. Every troll began to gather around the small stage in which BroZone had performed on earlier. Delta smiled brightly as she stared at her niece, Handing her the first gift.

"Alright Clampers, This ones from me." She smiled as she pet her nieces hair in a loving way. Clampers smiled brightly as she tore the wrapping paper off of the gift and she smiled brightly, gasping a little. The gift was none other than Deltas 5 string Banjo, Which she usually would never let out of her own hands. She smiled proudly at her niece.
"You're serious Aunt Delta?." Clampers said with a shocked yet happy tone.
"Never been more sure." Delta replied as she put a hand on her shoulder, Which earned some 'Awwww' from the crowd. Clampers quickly hugged her Aunt. Which lasted for a moment before she felt like it was now an appropriate time to open the rest of her presents.
"This one's from Queen Poppy and Branch." Delta said as she handed Clampers another present. Clampers quickly tore the wrapping paper away for there to be two boxes, The one from Branch said 'My First Weapon Making Set' which earned him a dirty look from Delta.
"I told you it was a bad idea!." Poppy said looking at Branch with an unimpressed expression. Clampers then opened the second box, Which was a Cowboy hat with Clampers name sewn into it. Which earned a nod of approval from Delta.
"Thanks Miss Poppy! And Thanks too Branch!." Clampers said as she hugged the two items which she was actually quite content with. More gift giving was exchanged, which took a while since so many trolls had shown up.
Floyd sighed as the gift giving was over, Everyone seemed to dance to the music for a while, But he noticed Delta cleaning up a bit and throwing some empty cups and plates away, along with the wrapping paper that had fell to the floor. He knew Delta was a strong woman that wasn't one for funny business, So approaching her had to be pretty formal. He sucked in a quick breath and stuck his hands in his pocket as he walked up to approach her, Starting conversation by helping her clean up soon.
"Delta right?." He asked As he threw some wrapping paper in a trash bag.
"That's right, You're Branches brother aint ya? Floyd?." She asked with a calm tone and a slight smile, Seemingly appreciating his help.
"Ah, Yeah! Thats me." He responded.
"It's good to see ya, Glad you could make it, Especially after hearing about your experience with those two Mount Rageon Popstar jerks." She said Rolling her eyes at the thought of Velvet and Veneer.
"Yeah..I'm glad all my brothers could save me..It was pretty traumatizing." Floyd responded as he nervously rubbed his arm.
"Oh that's right! The green haired safety precaution guy and the surfer dude." Delta replied with a slight giggle as she tied up a trash bag. Floyd saw this as the perfect opportunity to bring up John Dory, since she seemed to leave him out, Which he wasn't sure if it was purposely or not.
"And John Dory." He added as he grabbed a broom and began to sweep the floor some.
"Right. Must have left him out." Delta said in a fake forgetting tone, One of her hooves tapping the floor. "It's a shocker yknow, You're helping me more Right now than your brother has probably helped anyone in his whole lifetime." Floyd noticed Deltas tone being quite shady now. Which..Maybe she had a good reason. He wasn't sure since he had not yet heard the rest of the story.
"Speaking of..John..I uh, I heard you two have some history with one another?."
That seemed to snap Delta out of her shady trance, She now seemed like she was uninterested in talking to him. "Uhm, Listen, I really appreciate your help but I think I've got the rest of the trash cleanin' from here." Delta said as she gently took a trash bag from him, she didn't seem aggressive, just more hurt. Which was valid of her..Obviously this situation had to have been a pretty rocky one.
"Right..Well, Have a good night Delta." He didn't expect her to respond but surprisingly she had, "You too Floyd, Stay safe."

Floyd sighed, The party almost over and he still hadn't heard the other half of the story. While the rest of the trolls continued to frolic and chat and dance, Floyd stepped outside of the barn, looking up at the stars. He seemingly felt guilty for seeming to make Delta remember something that had hurt her so much. He basked in these thoughts for a while, Until he felt a tap on his shoulder, He quickly jolted his head to the side to see Growly Pete. And while he expected one word from him, He was stunned by what he heard.

"You wanna know about the DawnDory situation don't ya?." Growly Pete asked.
"DawnDory situation?." Floyd asked confused.
"Delta Dawn, And John Dory." Growly Pete responded looking unimpressed.
"There's a whole name for this situation?." Floyd asked tilting his head, maybe this was more serious than he thought.
"Well..DawnDory is what everyone used to call the two little lovebirds back when John and Delta were real young...I heard you talking to your older brother. He's told his side but you're looking for what caused the fall." Growly Pete responded.
"I thought they had to keep it a secret?." Floyd asked raising an eyebrow.
"They kept it a secret from Deltas father..But poor little Delta was all so head over heels and giddy all the time..So happy..No one had the heart to tell her father what had been goin' on."
Floyd opened his mouth to speak but Growly Pete quickly grabbed his hand and led him Into a quieter space where they couldn't be heard from the barn.
"Sit down for this one partner..I've certainly got a story to tell you. If you can let the word not get out to Delta that I'm telling you any of this.."
Floyd made a zipping motion to his lips with his fingers, Letting him know that he wouldn't let this get out to Delta..Unless necessary. Growly Pete gave a nod and began to tell the second half, the truth, of the story.

"It was a while back..Back when Deltas father was still leading the Country Trolls..Me and Delta were close, in a sibling type way since I'm older than her. We used to do a lot together, and we still do now that I'm Deputy and she's the sheriff leader of the Country Trolls. I had never even known she had a Pop Troll hiding in Lonesome Flats until I decided to go check out her fort she had built for myself. And that's when I saw him, John Dory. It was clear he'd been staying there for a while, I mistook him as an Intruder at first and planned to attack him but luckily Delta had shown up just in time to stop me. She explained to me the intensity of the situation..And the love that she'd developed for John Dory himself..And when someone tells you that, Especially someone that's like a little sister to you, you just have to keep your mouth shut for the sake of someone's happiness." Floyd smiled some at Growly Pete, He could see why Delta had chose him as her Deputy, he clearly had his mind in a right place. "I kept my mouth shut..Even come up with excuses for Delta when she wouldn't show up to special events, due to hanging out with her newfound lover. Even with my mouth shut everyone knew that she'd had to be seeing someone. She was always so giddy..So lovesick and was always daydreaming. Everyone assumed she was seeing a country troll her age which was what saved her from getting scolded in the long run. I'd even hang out with the two during nights that they weren't..Well you know doing teenage things-." Growly Pete cleared his throat some and Floyd couldn't help but giggle.
"Anyway, All seemed like it could never get better..Eventually Delta couldn't help but run her mouth and everyone knew of John Dorys existence, But seeing Delta so happy is what kept them shut up..Everyone began to come up with Codename 'DawnDory' When speaking of them."

Floyd tilted his head, Once again it seemed like their little romance could not get any better.

"But one day..Delta came to me in tears..It was a late hour in the night. She had told me that when she went to see John Dory..The fort was abandoned..Her banjo gone..All the songs he had written for her were gone..There was no trace of him, Except for one letter..Which read 'Goodbye.' In fact it wasn't even a letter..Just a single word that had shook Delta to her core. Everyday she'd wait..Seeing if he'd come back to her, Wondering if she'd ever did something wrong, Or if he had just simply..Fell out of love with her. A month she waited, And yet her young love never returned."
Growly Pete even looked a little sad as he took his hat off and pressed it to his chest as he finished the story.
"Not only was she against anything Pop Troll related but..We never saw our...Truly..Happy Delta Dawn again." He sighed.

Floyd felt like he was gonna be sick, Thinking of all the sorrow that John had brought Delta, Thinking of how he could do that after all that Delta had risked for him. In fact he couldn't help but be a little angered. He quickly thanked Growly Pete for telling him, Who tipped his hat in return. Floyd was going to confront John right now. That is until he realized that the party had cleared out, and Delta, Poppy, Branch, Clay, Viva, and Bruce were the only ones left cleaning up. He hadn't realized the party ended when they were talking until now. Plus Rhonda was gone, Which meant John had left as well. He quickly went to help them all, But as he helped clean..Hed stare at Delta every now and then.
He could now see why Delta was so hurt.

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