Opportunity 💙

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The next morning, John had woken up on the sofa, Still clutching Deltas banjo tightly to his chest. He groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, They felt all icky and puffy from where he had fell asleep crying. Sitting up, he stretched his arms out and let out a few yawns, closing his eyes hazily as he scratched his back. Clutching Deltas banjo as he stood up he walked over to the cabinet compartment and carefully placed it back with everything else he had looked over from the night before, He felt embarrassed and ashamed of crying and breaking down like that. He walked over to the kitchen area of the armadillo bus and began to make himself a cup of coffee, he was a coffee type of guy and he always made it the exact same: Plain black coffee.

"Just let me take you to a better place.." John sang quietly to himself as he watched the coffee pot fill up, before grabbing it and pouring the hot steaming coffee into his mug. "I'm gonna make you kiss the sky tonight.." He continued to sing. While gently picking up his coffee cup he could have swore he heard something..Like a quiet knock, He stopped singing to himself and stood still, coffee cup in hand as he stared at the RV door in silence to wait and see if he heard it again. When he didn't be began to walk back to the sofa, Well that was a mistake. No sooner as he did there was a loud CLANG! Which sent John and his coffee falling to the floor, Clenching his jaw in pain as his hot coffee spilt all over him he looked over to the RV door, Squinting his eyes as he saw it was open now. He shielded a hand over his eyelids from the sunlight coming inside, Squinting some more he realized there was a figure in the door..And while he expected it to be Poppy, Viva, Or one of his brothers, he was a little caught off guard when the figure came into focus..and he saw...Growly Pete?

"Woowee! Knew I'd founds the right place! I'd recognize yer' armadillo bus here from anywhere!." Growly Pete said as he trotted into the Rv, Acting all casual as if he hadn't just pretty much break into John Dorys home.

"Pete?." John Dory asked confused, Shuffling back on the floor a little as Growly Pete was now trotting up to him, Extending a hand to help him up from the floor.
"That's me." Growly Pete responded with a smile, Lifting John off the floor. "Sorry about makin' ya drop yer' coffee." He said with a lighthearted chuckle and a small tug at his overall straps.
John Dory backed up a little, This felt all too odd. "It's Fine It's Fine..But Pete..? What are you doing here? It's been-."

"A while?." Growly Pete responded. "And you don't have to call me Pete, Parter. You can call me Growly, Just like old times." He Said as He put his hands on his hips, Looking at John now.
"That's..Thats not the point..Please answer me, What are you doing here?." John asked again.

"Just came to see ya!." Growly Pete responded. "I saw ya at the party, You've grown! Well- Both you and Delta have grown but I got to see her grow up..Yer' just..A big ole surprise." He said with a chuckle.
John shivered and felt guilt wash over at the mention of Delta, He clutched his hand to his forehead like he was trying to regain his composure as he backed into the sofa and let out a breath of disbelief as he practically fell into it.
"Woah there..You alright there partner?." Growly Pete asked As he extended one of his hands out to him.
"I don't understand.." John began, "Why did you come to see me? Why aren't you disappointed to see me just like Delta was? Why..Why..Why are you here knowing what I did to Delta..Knowing how much I hurt her-."

"John." Growly Pete Said as he sat down on the sofa next to him. "I'm here because I want to see you. I wanted to come and check up on you.."
John opened his mouth to speak again but Growly Pete quickly pressed a finger to his lips to shut him up. "I know things with you and Delta Dawn ended rather..rocky..But that doesn't mean I ever stopped caring for you. All those times we hung out back during the old days in Lonesome Flats..I still cherish them..Despite everything."

John looked surprised, Despite everything, and Despite what he'd done, Growly Pete still wanted to visit him? This was weird. He felt as if there was a catch to this. Growly Pete continued to speak.
"What ya did wasn't okay, It hurt Delta a whole lot..But she had people there for her..But what about ya? Who was ever there to ask ya how ya felt..Who was ever there to ask ya why..?." Growly Pete tilted his head, Setting his hand on Johns shoulder as he spoke. John stared at him for a moment before he very reluctantly shook his head. Growly Pete took both of Johns hands into his own, Sighing softly before looking him in the eyes.
"Well I'm here, Ole Growly is here for ya...And..I know ya didn't leave Delta because ya lost feelings, It took me some years to realize but..I always saw how ya looked at her..I always saw how ya clenched her hands when you held 'em, As if ya were scared she'd float away if you didn't hold her.."
John took in a shaky breath, These words had his emotions and thoughts running wild. He didn't know how to process Growly Pete's words, Why did Growly Pete care so much?

John cleared his throat for a moment, Although he was grateful that Growly Pete had come to visit him, He felt like he was going to try to meddle in his personal life, or his reasons as of why he left. "I appreciate you being here but I'm.." He sighed a bit as he put a hand on the back of his neck "I'm not ready to talk about why I left so long ago..I'm sorry.."

"Don't apologize partner, I didn't quite expect ya to be ready to discuss that..In fact..Other than comin' to see ya, There's another reason as to why I showed up." Growly Pete said picking himself up off the Sofa now and dusting himself off.
John raised an eyebrow, Tilting his head.

"You see..Delta and I have an upcoming trip..Every two months we take a trip to the sea of the Techno Trolls..They provide Lonesome Flats with sea fruits that we use for margaritas and other things.."

John looked amused.

"Hey, Lonesome Flats takes their bartending and drinking seriously.." Growly Pete chuckled for a moment before he began speaking again.
"Delta and I usually haul the wagons ourselves..Our only problem is the monsters that lurk around the trail that we take..There's been times we had to leave our wagons behind and make a run for it.." Growly Pete then made eye contact with John again. "Deltas been looking for someone who'd be the third volunteer for the trip, but we hadn't found any..I figured since yer' a survivalist and know a thing or two ya could help us out?."

John seemed a little shocked at the request, Sure he was willing to help out Lonesome Flats but how would Delta feel about..Him..being the volunteer? He seemed a little skeptical.

"Yeah Growly, Because Delta wants her ex boyfriend of a lifetime to be her volunteer.." John said crossing his arms.
Growly Pete huffed a Little and shook his head. "Now now don't be gettin' a 'tude with me Johnny Boy, The only reason I suggested it is..This could be your first step in a decent direction with Delta, Not to just butter her up but a reason to just finally be set on a right foot so you don't have to live with as bad guilt any longer."
John Thought for a moment, The thought of helping Delta and her resenting him even just a tiny bit less than she already did intrigued him. He punched the bridge of his nose for a moment and sighed. Was he really gonna do this?
"When does the trip take place.." He mumbled

Growly Pete smiled wide as he crossed his arms in approval. "Tonight."

John couldn't help but give a defeated smile in return. "Let me get all my things together, I'll have Rhonda up and running for us shortly."

Growly Pete happily bucked with a loud "Yeeee Haw!!!!!." As he threw his arm around Johns shoulder in a buddy-buddy hug, "Let's get to Lonesome Flats and get this trip started!!!."

(I am SO sorry i HAVENT updated lately, My life's been kind of odd lately and my schedules aren't exactly great, but here's a chapter after millennia!))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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