Past. 💙

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After hearing about the fact that John Dory and Delta Dawn used to be in a relationship, Floyd stepped away from the barn doorway. He was looking around for John Dory so he could get to the bottom of this, He didn't wanna force everything out of him since it was a sensitive subject but maybe it'd be easier for him to explain since he already knew a major piece to the puzzle. He finally spotted him in a corner away from the dance floor, He was chatting with Branch, Bruce and Clay.

"Hey, John!."
Floyd said as he approached his brothers, Everyone turned to look at him.
"Hey Bros! Mind if I borrow our big bro for a minute?." Floyd said with a chuckle as he gently grabbed John by the arm and led him off to the side.
"Floyd? What's up?." John asked looking confused, He had an eyebrow raised and a hand on his hip but his tone was more curious and lighthearted.
"Listen, Please don't walk away but it's about Delta-."
John sighed, "Really? Come on man I thought I told you I didn't wanna talk about it-."
"I know you guys dated." Floyd spoke him, Which seemed to Shut John Dory up real quick.
"You- I- How-?." John asked uncomfortably rubbing his arm.
Floyd really didn't want to admit that he'd eavesdropped on a conversation between Delta and Poppy so he kind of brushed the question away and was ready to get straight to the point.
"Listen, I'm not gonna tell you to give every single detail but..I would like to know why you two broke up..And as your brother, I'm here for you to talk about things like this, I don't want you to have to live with that guilt in your chest forever."
John Dorys expression softened as he heard this, If he was completely honest he was extremely grateful that Floyd was offering him to get some guilt off of his chest. He gently grabbed Floyd by the hand and led him out of the back door of the barn, Which was luckily perfect timing because Poppy and Delta had just walked back in through the front to join the party again. Mainly because Delta didn't want to turn Clampers birthday party into a pity party for herself.

"Alright Floyd, I'll give you some details and tell you what happened..But please don't share this with anyone else." John asked with a serious yet pleading Look on his face.
"I promise." Floyd said staring at his big brother and giving a nod of confirmation.
"Alright..Here goes.." John said taking a deep breath in as his story began.

"It wasnt Long after we had broke up the band..While you were off with your solo career, Clay off to find trolls that took him seriously, And Bruce off to start new, I had became a survivalist. I had hiked the Neverglades..Sailed the Techno Troll Sea..And a lot more. Well this particular day it was super hot..My hair was messy with dirt and leaves and my clothes were worn out, I was severely dehydrated...Everything was all black, I'm assuming I passed out from the heat that day but what I didn't know was that I had happened to pass out on the trail that led into Lonesome Flats.."
Floyd was picturing all of this in his head. He could see it perfectly so far, He nodded to John Dory to keep talking.
"To my luck..A beautiful young Country Troll, Which was Delta..Had hoisted me into her back and took me to a water well, Where she splashed me with water and was able to wake me up..Her hair was in a curly ponytail..She wore overalls with a blue shirt underneath..I remember how she used to be perfectly..So kind.."
Floyd seemed to notice John Blushing some as he talked about her, Which he had to admit it was wholesome seeing his brother being passionate about someone..But it was sad to see the outcome of it currently.
"She expressed how she had never seen a pop troll before, I told her I used to be a leader in a boy band..Which got her all excited and giddy. Unfortunately we didn't get to talk much until her father found me and threw me in a jail cell, I don't think he was too fond of his daughter frolicking with a troll that wasn't a country troll."
Floyd seemed to giggle some.
"You know that's kind of funny, Branch and Poppy told me that when she first met them that she threw them in a jail cell."
This seemed to catch John Dorys attention, Especially because that wasn't all like the Delta he remembered. The young Delta that he remembered was so open and kind..Very much unlike her father, He couldn't help but feel like he may have had something to do with her outlook. Floyd then nodded for him to keep on talking.
"At night she'd come and visit me at the cell, She'd bring me food and water..And even bring a banjo to sing songs to me..I was pretty much head over heels for her right away. It wasn't long until she busted me out one night, She took me to a little fort she had apparently been making through the nights that I was in jail..She told me that I could hide there. Luckily her Father never suspected that I could be hiding in there...During the daytime she'd bring me food and water and some books to read..And at night she'd let me sing to her..Sometimes I'd sing while she played her banjo.."
He seemed to smile gently at the memories, If he was honest me missed all of those moments that they used to have together.
"Dang John- All of this sounds great, Peak young romance..What happened to you two?." Floyd asked with a slightly disappointed response. It was that part that seemed like John wanted to avoid the most. He went to open his mouth to speak but then there was an announcement by Delta herself that Clampers cake was being served, Which to Johns luck was a great excuse to push this conversation off for now.
"I may tell you later Floyd..But for now, Let's just enjoy some cake, Okay?." John asked with a desperate expression. Floyd didn't wanna push it so he nodded, He was happy he had atleast got this information so far. Maybe it wouldn't be too long until the rest of this tragic love stories ending was revealed.

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