63: A Line In The Sand

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As Afrah carefully arranged the food on the plates, she couldn't help but recall the countless times she and Hajiya had locked horns — the times Hajiya had made her feel worthless about herself. She had been trying so hard to give Jameel's mother her respect, but what could she do when the woman didn't even have any respect for herself? What has she ever done to warrant the hate? Did she equally not fight for Jameel? Was it just her son that had to suffer?

Afrah's resentment grew stronger with each passing second. Despite how hard she tried, she still couldn't understand why Hajiya treated her with such disdain, constantly belittling her and making snide remarks. It was as if Hajiya saw her as nothing more than a servant, unworthy of respect.

She hated the fact that she even had to cook for her. At first, when Jameel told her about it, she swore to herself that she was not going to do it, but after a few hours of reasoning, she decided to take the high road. She knew that cooking for Hajiya would not only please Jameel but also show her willingness to mend their strained relationship. It was a difficult decision, swallowing her pride and putting on a smile, but she believed it was the right thing to do.

Afrah had made sure to pour her heart and soul into the dishes she made for she wanted to prove a point to Hajiya. She wanted her to know that she was as good as Najah...if not better.

Taking the tray in her hands and making her way to the guest room, Afrah took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "Here goes nothing!"

"Assalamualaikum," Afrah softly knocked on the door.

"Wa alaikum salaam," Hajiya answered almost immediately. "Come in!"

Afrah heaved another sigh before turning the doorknob and walking into the room.

Hajiya was seated on her bed; her face etched with lines of age and extreme bitterness. As usual, her eyes were reflecting a lifetime of disappointment and hate towards her. Afrah could see it.

As Afrah set the tray down in front of Hajiya, their gazes met for a fleeting moment.

Afrah forced a smile. "I hope you enjoy your meal."

"What's the time?"

Hajiya's question made Afrah frown in confusion.

"Is this the time to have lunch?"

Afrah took in a breath, trying to keep her anger at bay. "It's just a little past 2, Hajiya." She emphasized. "I had to put Fawaaz to sleep first before doing anything."

"That's your business! So you expected me to starve? I know you were praying for me to die, but unfortunately for you, you can't get rid of me that easily. I am stronger than you think. You will never succeed in your treacherous plan."

As the words spilled from Hajiya's mouth, a wave of shock washed over Afrah. The hurtful accusations pierced her heart like needles. Tears instantly welled up in her eyes, but she blinked repeatedly, refusing to allow them to fall. Coming into the room, she had not expected any form of appreciation. She expected criticism, but not such venomous words that cut through her like a knife. Her patience was running out. "Why are you doing this?" Afrah asked. "What have I ever done to you?"

"Are you asking me?"

"Yes! I'm asking you because I need to know. I deserve to know."

"Alright, then, I will tell you what I think about you."

Afrah swallowed a lump in her throat. She wasn't sure if she was ready to hear any more insults from Hajiya for she could lose her control and do something drastic.

She knew the right thing to do at that moment was to turn around and leave, yet she felt her legs glued to the spot. It was like a force holding her down.

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