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Shoutout to naynay0455 for reading my books and commenting.

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"Ok, time for bed." I said, walking into the kids room. They were on Odell's back. He had makeup and jewels with sparkles all over his face.

"It's not what it looks like." He said, throwing them off his back. I smiled and laughed a little bit.

"No more play time. Clean up and take a bath." I said, picking up some of the toys and putting them away. We all cleaned up the room with the blaring of the flat screen and the girls running their mouths a mile a minute. After they were done, I made them go to the bathtub.

"Mr. Odell, where is our clothes bag ?" Leydiana asked, wiping the makeup off his face. I told them to grab some toys before we left and I guess makeup is a toy to them. I personally don't wear makeup, it was just all stuff my mother never used.

"Let me get it." He said, making sure there was no more make up on his face. He smiled at me and headed out. That was weird and soon an awkward moment of silence took place.

"Mommy ?"

"Yes, Jaylani ?"

"Mr.Odell likes you." She failed at whispering.

"How would you know that ?"

"Because when a boy likes you, he smiles at you for no reason." She stated, knowing she was right. I just rolled my eyes and started the water. They took off their clothes and got in the bath with some toys I guess they found. We had a little play fight and they got the whole front of my shirt wet.

The door opened and Odell, I guess came in.The girls screamed as I laughed.

"Mr.Odell, we're naked and mommy said no boys allowed." Leydiana said, covering her small chest, along with Jaylani. I got up and walked over to him, grabbing the bag out of his hand. He kinda just stared at me and looked down at my body. His mouth formed in an "O". I immediately looked down to see my nipples poking out against the wet t-shirt. My face became red.

"Mr. Odell can you leave now ?"

"Yeah, we need to get dressed and you can't see us."

"Okay,." He surrendered, putting his hands up and walking out. I smirked and shut the door.

"Okay, who getting out first ?"

An hour later......................

"Goodnight guys." I said, turning on the nightlight in the corner.

"Night mommy." They whispered,getting comfortable in their beds. I smiled and walked out. I went down the hallway and went into the room I was in earlier this morning. I walked into the room. I looked around the room and saw how messy it was. I shook my head and threw a shirt into the laundry basket abandoned on the side of the wall.

After a couple minutes, almost half of the room was cleaned up. I checked under the bed to see anything. There was this white shirt and I kept trying to reach for it. But my arms were too short.


I got back from under the bed and saw Odell standing there, with nothing.

OH shit.

It's big.

I screamed and covered my face. I tried to walk out but I ended up hitting my hip on the end of the bed.

"Fuck." I cursed and limped to the door. Before I could open it up, it slammed shut. I turned around to see Odell standing there with his hand on the door. I looked down quickly to see if there was anything not supposed to be showing but he had on his Calvin Klein draws on with his gym shorts.

"I need to talk to you."

"Um ok." I said, limping over to the bed. He started laughing, I guess at the way I was walking. H e came to me and picked me up. He placed me on the bed nicely and sat right infront of me. He just stared at me without saying a word.

"What is up with you and staring ?" I asked, looking back at him.

"Sorry, habit, baby."

The way he said it made chills go down my spine.


"How long have they not be eating ?"

Everything just stopped for me. My body went cold.

"T-they do eat. I just want to go to sleep. So w-" I said standing up, only to get cut off.

"Nova, I'm not done talking to you. Sit down."

Yes. I love when a man takes charge. What is going on with me ? I sat down in the same spot.

"Answer my question."

I sighed and let everything out.

"My father left our family when I was eight. I stayed with my mother and then she started doing drugs. She brings men into the house on a daily basis, having sex with them. So she is basically a prostitute. She had Jaylani and Leydiana when I was sixteen. When you do the math, they are six. My mother doesn't know who the father was and it broke her to pieces. Well after she had them, she started to do better. No more men in the house. She got a job. She stopped doing drugs. Things were getting better. One night, she saw me take care of them and smiled at me. I knew we were still struggling that is why I helped her. Then I guess she thought her parenting was over. So then at sixteen, I was there mother. I had lie to the school to say I had cancer for them to excuse me from all my classes. I started work at a local store and started paying bills for the house. I did everything. I had to get a fake I.D. to take the kids to the doctor. It started to get better because it was just us. And then....."

The thoughts of what happened the other day clouded my mind. It was a just a storm of thoughts that I couldn't get out of. Tears fell down my face, thinking about the pain I endured.

"She let eight men rape me for drugs and money and Jaylani and Leydiana watched. I couldn't..."

I broke down for the first time since it happened. Odell pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back,repeatedly rubbed my back until I fell asleep.




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