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ARI SOHMA SMILED AS she held Haru's hand, swinging them happily as she guided them into the grocery store

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ARI SOHMA SMILED AS she held Haru's hand, swinging them happily as she guided them into the grocery store. Rin had left them an hour or so ago to head back to Kagura's since her aunt wished for her to come home for the night since she spent the last couple of nights with Haru and Ari which left Ari and Haru to their own devices, which led to them coming up with a solid plan for tomorrow, which was Valentines day. 

"Okay, first on our list is strawberries!" Ari grinned happily as Haru held the basket while she held the list in her free hand. Strawberries were one of Rin's favorite foods and she's been mentioning how she's been craving them recently, so Haru and Ari were taking it upon themselves to get it for her. "And then of course melting chocolate, but we should multiple flavors cause Rin loves any kind of chocolate."

Haru nods as they make their way towards the produce isle, grabbing multiple boxes of strawberries as he knew that while Rin didn't have a large appetite, the same could not be said for himself and Ari as the two of them ate enough to feed a large family on a good day. "Do you also want to make those strawberry topped brownies you were talking about the other day?"

Ari's eyes instantly light up, "oh my god, yes!" She grinned, nodded, "I've been meaning to get around to making them but tomorrow is the best time!" She reached up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for reminding me, mon amour.

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