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AFTER KYO HAD left for school once more, Tohru had taken it upon herself to take this opportunity to properly show Ari and Haru around the home before she lead them over to the kitchen

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AFTER KYO HAD left for school once more, Tohru had taken it upon herself to take this opportunity to properly show Ari and Haru around the home before she lead them over to the kitchen. She had to fill up a container or something, Ari wasn't all that sure in all honesty, but whatever it was, Tohru was taking care of it. Ari smiled as she slipped herself up onto the counter by the sink, watching as Tohru filled up the container with the water. 

Haru leaned onto the counter beside her, his elbows resting onto the counter as his gaze was momentarily distracted by Ari before settling on Tohru as a question flew through his mind. "Are Yuki and Kyo getting into fistfights everyday?" 

Tohru smiled, abet nervously, at the question though she shook her head, "no." She told them as she turned towards the secret couple as she continued. "Though they do argue every day."

Ari hummed, a smile growing on her lips as she took in the brown haired girls words. As much as she and Yuki didn't see eye to eye all the time, that didn't diminish the fact that Ari was happy about the massive improvements between his and Kyo's relationship. Ari knew about Kyo's rough feelings towards him, she dealt with him coming to her a lot about the grey haired boy growing up, so hearing that Kyo was able to slowly grow past his feelings towards the boy made her happy. 

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