the one with the PLAN

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The brunette calls loudly hoping to be heard over the sound of music in the background from the restaurant and the crashing waves, she groaned holding her dress up trying to keep up with the blonde who was ignoring her as she continues in her long strides in front of her. Onika cussed inwardly, trying to run in this dress and heels was not a joke

"Are you for real!" She calls once she realises Beyoncé had carried on ignoring and quickened her steps.

"I will call your momma!"

She threatened and that seemed to do the trick as Beyoncé stopped in her tracks, Onika grins in triumph before quickened her steps, speed-walking until she reached Beyoncé, out of breathe

"Do you...have any hard it is to walk in this dress and heels in SAND!" She scolds the blonde, glaring at her hard

The breeze around them blows Onika's air in her face forcing her to shove it behind her ears. The waves from the beach casting a fresh aroma in the air

"What do you want Onika" Beyoncé grumbled in annoyance

"Ah, excuse you—" she rolled her eyes huffing in the e process

"Beyoncé look i have no idea what you were talking about. Never did I ever have an issue with you nor the way you were born"

"And frankly I think you just made all that up to cover whatever issue you have with me"

"Oh nice one, now I am liar. Goodbye Onika"

Once again Beyoncé started walking away making Onika scoff, the blonde barely got a few feet away when she turned back again

"And for your information, I have no issues with you"

"And I don't have any issues with you so colour me confused hearing you think I even feel like that about you" Onika pouts, her eyes showing sadness

Beyoncé felt her heart constricted at the look the brunette gave her but she quickly shrugged it off not wanting to be drawn in by the brunette

"But right after you came back from your spring break, you acted like I didn't exist even though we been talking none stop on the phone" Onika wondered, eyebrow raised

"So you just gonna act confused" questioned Beyoncé with a blank expression

"About what? I really don't know what you're talking about" huffed Onika tiredly, they were literally just going around in circles

"I came back earlier than I told you I was coming from my spring break because I wanted to surprise you and ask you out, then I got your letter from your friend—"

"Okay, stop..what letter and what friend? Imma need you to be more clearer. I only got two bitches I fuck with, what you trynna say?"

"It was 5 years ago Onika"

"And I don't know how you expect me to remember the fuck happened 5 years ago—, oh" she stopped in her tracks knowing exactly who Beyoncé was talking about


"Not exactly you dumb long neck giraffe—"

"Excuse me?"

"I never wrote anything to you nor gave to that hoe! And why wouldn't you confront me about it if that was the case!"

Onika was annoyed now, not only did Beyoncé believe something like that about Onika but the false information had come from someone Onika don't fuck with anymore for the reason she was never a friend to Onika

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