the one with the GALA

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"How about I show up early then leave early?"

I asked as I followed after my mother, she sucked her teeth as she carried on walking and spoke without facing back to look at me


"But what if—"

She quickly turns around making me stop on my track as she glares at me

"You're coming early and staying for the duration of the event. Quit asking me dumbass question or Imma smack you!"

Yikes! Someone woke up in a mood

I grunt, turning my lips upward crossing my arms at her. She should be thankful I'm even showing up yet she won't let me leave early.

"Where do you want this momma"

Kelly appears with the wrapped canvas my mother asked us to grab from the trunk. I was supposed to help but I needed to try and get Tina to let me have my way, didn't turn out as I wanted though.

"Oh thanks baby, you're literally the only daughter that helps me" she said in a shady tone making me gawk at her. Alright bet, let me see her ask me for a favour if I'll do it. Mmcht, don't piss me off Celestine.

"You're welcome momma" Kelly stuck out her tongue at me with a smug smirk moving to place the piece of art work where momma pointed out

It was the last piece that was gonna be at the GALA tonight, the rest had gone already but this one was delivered late so it was gonna travel the same time we leave for the event. The art wasn't even pretty but of course these old rich folks would buy anything pricey, at least the money will be going to good use.

Once Kelly placed the piece down carefully, she came back to where momma and I stood with a excited smile and I already knew what she was going to say

"I got news to tell you momma" I watched her cheesing hard making me look away in guilt. I pretended to busy myself instead of listening into the conversation

Although my mother wasn't technically Kelly's, she viewed her as her second mom. Both our mothers were best friend growing up. Even after my parents got to this status, they were still tight. Until the last moment when Kelly's mother passed away from cancer five years ago. I watched as grieve almost broke my best friend and if it weren't for Robyn, myself and Aubrey, we would have lost Kelly too so it does not give me the pleasure to know of what I did.

I would never purposely hurt my own sister from another mother, hence why I couldn't come around to telling Kelly the truth. I couldn't destroy her like that. I made a mistake, a mistake that would definitely cost me my best friend and I had no one to blame.

"Oh my god baby I'm so proud of you!"

I snap outta of my thoughts at my mother's happy squeal just in time to see her pull Kelly into a motherly hug. There was tears of joy and sadness clouding her eyes, no doubt thinking of TT Kim. I sighed taking in this moment making me feel even worse. Gosh Imma be fucking sick! Should I ask Robyn for a DNA test?

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