A New Tranformation

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"Precure! Smile Charge!"

When the transformation finishes, I now stand on a building opposite Wolfric.

"With overflowing feelings, they run free! Cure Emotion!"

"Just like my dreams."

"Who knew?"

"Really?! Another one of you?!" Wolfric exclaims.

Not giving a single hoot, I fought the beast who thought dropping me from the top of a building was a good idea. The beast is a competent fighter I will give him that. As this is happening, the others decide to take down the monster that is now on a mission to destroy the place.

"Precure! Royal Rainbow Burst!"

"Later, Princess." Wolfric smirks.

"Why, you-"

With Wolfrun and the Akanbe gone, the girls and I decide to have a night in. As we settle in at my place for the night, popcorn is being made and a movie is being put on.

"What movie are we watching?"

"'My Neighbour Totoro'," Miyuki replies.

"I haven't watched that movie in ages."

As the sleepover gets underway, I find myself thinking about the day. It has been a rather strange day, however, I want to do what the others are doing.


"Huh? What?"

"What have you been thinking about?" Reika inquires.

"Just reflecting."

"Do you want to talk about it? It may help." Reika suggests.

"It's alright, thanks for asking. Let's get back to the movie."

The next day, the girls and I decided to go out for breakfast and have a bit of a shop around town. While going through town, I spot someone around our age with long black hair and a black outfit. The only things of colour were his shirt and his eyes, which I found to be strange.

'Why does he look familiar?'

"Cho, over here," Akane calls. "We found something you might like."

"Coming!" I reply.

'I'm glad she didn't recognise me.'

They walk into an alleyway as they take off a brooch, disappearing into a nearby shadow.

"Omg! This is so cute! I'm going to get it."

"We'll wait for you by the fountain." Nao gestures.


When I got the thing I was looking for, I started walking around the store to look around for anything else I may want. As I do so, I notice someone standing beside me.

"May I help you?"

"Do you know where the makeup is?" they ask.

"It should be over that way." I gesture.

"Thank you for your help, young lady."

"Not a problem."

After getting what I wanted, I went to the fountain. As we get to talking about our futures, everything fades into a nasty green with the faint outlines of cobwebs.

"Oh no." Nao sighs.

"What is it?"

"More like 'Who is it?', sweetie."

"Majorika," says Candy.

"The one and only." Majorika grins.

"Let's go!" Miyuki exclaims.

The others nod, holding their Smile Pacts.

"R-Right." I stammer.

"Precure! Smile Charge!"

"Twinkling and shining! The light of the future! Cure Happy!"

"The brilliant sun! Hot-blooded power! Cure Sunny!"

"Sparkling, glittering, rock-paper-scissors! Cure Peace!"

"Intense courage, a straight-up bout! Cure March!"

"The snow, falling and gathering! A noble heart! Cure Beauty!"

"With overflowing feelings, they run free! Cure Emotion!"

"Our 6 lights will guide us to the future!"

"Sparkle! Smile Precure!"


'How do they fight these things?! They move insanely quick.'


Jumping out of an attack just in the nick of time, I find my footing on a branch before launching myself at the Akanbe and giving it a rather good hit.


"Nice one!"

"Now use your 'Emotion Bomb' attack to get rid of it." Candy jumps.

"How do I do that?" I question.

"Put all of your spirit into your compact and you can attack," Candy explains.

"If you say so." I shrug.

Shaking my arms up and down as I put all my energy into it, sparkles gather around my Smile Pact.


"Now attack." Candy instructs.

"Precure! Emotion Bomb!"

When my attack hits the Akanbe, it disappears; all left is a decor.

"You got a decor!" Candy exclaims. "We have another one for our collection!"

"I'll get you next time, Precure!"

"What does everyone say to dinner at my place?" Akane inquires.

"Sounds great!"

'I think I'm going to like being a Precure.'

"How could you have failed in getting rid of the girl?"

"I tried to, but-"

"Spare me the excuses."

"...Please don't get rid of me."


Hitting the ground, I stand up and take a look around me. I was in the cursed town in a realm I knew nothing about. And to add to my discomfort, he has changed me into one of the inhabitants of this place.

'I can't believe he got rid of me over a stupid mistake.'

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