The Reaping of Rachel Gray

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"Oft I had heard of Lucy Gray

And when I crossed the wild
I chanced to see the break of day
The solitary child

No mate, no comrade, Lucy knew
She dwelt where none abide
The sweetest thing that ever grew
Upon the mountainside

You yet may spy the fawn at play
The hare among the green

"Tonight will be a stormy night
You, to the town, must go
And take a lantern, child, to light
Your mother through the snow"

That, Father, will I gladly do
'Tis scarcеly afternoon
The village clock has just struck two
And yondеr is the moon
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At this, the Father turned his hook
To kindling for the day
He plied his work and Lucy took
The lantern on her way

As carefree as a mountain doe
A fresh new path, she broke
Her feet dispersed the powdery snow

That rose up just like smokeart writing

The storm came on before its time
She wandered up and down
And many a-hill did Lucy climb
But never reached the town

The wretched parents all that night
Went shouting far and wide
But there was neither sound nor sight
To serve them as a guide

At daybreak, on a hill, they stood
That overlooked the scene
And thence, they saw the bridge of wood
That spanned a deep ravine

They wеpt and, turning homeward, cried
"In Heavеn, we all shall meet"
When, in the snow, the mother spied
The print of Lucy's feet

Then, downwards, from the steep hill's edge
They tracked the footmarks small
And through the broken hawthorn hedge
And by the long stonewall

And then, an open field, they crossed
The marks were still the same
They tracked them on, not ever lost
And to the bridge, they came

They followed from the snowy bank
Those footmarks, one by one
Into the middle of the plank
And further, there were none

She is a living child
That you may see sweet Lucy Gray
Upon the lonesome wild

O'er rough and smooth, she trips along
And never looks behind
And sings a solitary song
That whistles in the wind"

Rachel Gray a young girl from the 12th District sang her heart out as she stayed out into the open world behind the fence smiling to herself, she kept on stringing on her guitar with no note in her head, "Rachel Gray it's time for the Reaper" she turned and saw her Cousin Matthew standing behind her "well Matthew guess my time's up" she said getting her and dusting her gown "now take my guitar and ran along home we both know you aren't not going to get reaped this year honey" she said and hurried off to the reaping ceremony.

She walked calmly and stood in the line without drawing much attention "another year another ceremony" she heard her friend whisper beside her "now now Zoey this year gonna be different you know that.", The announcer tapped the before Zoey could respond and cleared his throat before he began "Welcome to the 28th Annual Hungar Games it's an honor to have you here now shall we begin" he said and moved to the left side of the stage "let's see the 12th male tribute is Dean Willows....Mr. Willows" he said flinging the paper around, Dean a young dark skinned boy aged 18 stepped out if the crowd and walked to the stage and stood there silently "ok now for the ladies" Zoey took Rachel's hand and held her tight praying it was neither of them as she did each year, "The female tribute for District is Miss Rachel Gray".

Back at the Capitol, Snow sat up as he heard the name Gray, "Miss Gray" the announcer spoke over the tv "right here Mister" she said pulling her hand away from her best friend "RAHCEL NO" she turned and saw her brother running to her "see ya later kiddo" Rachel ran up the stage and turned to the crowd smiling "don't worry 12 they won't pin me down like ya'll" she said and blew a kiss to them before standing beside Dean, Snow turned off the projector and looked out his window, Rachel Gray was certainly going to be an interesting character to meet.


Crassus Snow had just been picked as the male tribute along with Maya Reed, who would have thought that the son of President Snow would be picked the same exact year he was sent there from the Capitol. He was shocked himself, he never thought he would be picked as a tribute but life has a funny way of playing with us as his Aunt always said, no one took his place and he doubts his father was going to help so the only way out was to win the games, It was a father for his life.

Rachel walked around the district followed by some peacekeepers, they were allowed the remainder of the day to say goodbye, but she decided to go to her favorite spot, an old tree in the district, rumor had that people were once hung there from stories she heard and songs too.

She climbed one of the tree branches and sat down, the hunger games, was she scared, hell yah but she didn't care, she was a tribute and she couldn't do anything about it " But I'm the trees, I'm in the breeze" "Rachel Gray time to go" one of the peacekeepers said "great and I was about to put on a show for y'all oh well duty calls" she said and jumped down, the peacekeeper was quick to catch her in his arms "you know my name what's yours" she said getting off him "Marcus mam" she replied "those masks you wear really make having a conversation hard" she said and walked away towards the van.

"Are you scared Gray" Dean asked looking the other side from her face "fear is for the weak and my mama raised me better than that" she said and rested her head against his arm "Hope you don't mind trying to get some sleep" she said and closed her eyes, "Let the games begin" she thought. 


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