Heart of a Ranger!

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   Slowly, the boy walked through  the streets of Shizuoka. Sniffling as his mind replays the horrid memories he's suffered through in his scant 12 years of life.

     The boy's name is Izuku Yagi. The quirkless son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi. Ever since he was diagnosed quirkless, his father and sister Izumi Yagi had changed tremendously. Even his friends Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo had changed. The two boys and his sister have spent the past 8 years torturing the boy with their quirks. Beating him, mentally and emotionally tormenting him, suicide baiting, and straight up nearly killing him many times.

    His mother, however, truly loved her little ball of sunshine. Until that is his 8th birthday. Toshinori and Izumi had found a woman with a powerful mind control quirk that forced her to completely forget about Izuku. That nearly broke the little quirkless boy.

    He was stuck in hell with few people who truly cared for the boy and believed in him and his dream. See, Izuku dreamt of being a hero. Not some super high ranking or rich one. No, he just wanted to save people and ensure they would be alright by his brilliant smile. His aunts, Rei, Mitsuki, and Nemuri, were always helping the boy with his studies and genuinely caring for him. His uncles, Shota and Nezu, even helped train him both physically and mentally. Nezu was in awe of the quirkless Izuku's intellect. As it rivaled even his own, and his was enhanced due to his quirk.

    However, his Uncle's Enji and Masaru despised the quirkless null. Enji hated how much Rei cared for the boy. Add that to his rage at being the second ranked hero, and Rei had endured severe torments as well. Masaru, too, had begun abusing Mitsuki. Izuku did his best to console the two, but still, he hid all his own pain from them. His selfless heart and powerful will made him the perfect hero. Yet things got worse today.

    It was the boy's 12th birthday. His mother had missed the celebration as she was working overseas on a case. Which meant that Izuku had to be the one to make the food for just his father, sister, and their guests really early in the morning. Then he had to go to school. He knew he'd be late due to the excess work.

    As he walked into class late, he was forced to stand in front of the class and allow the kids to beat him down. He hated it, but he knew what would happen if he fought back. As then, the staff would jump in and beat him as well. Why? Again, all because he was quirkless. Even when he was severely injured, he alone was the one to treat his wounds. It's been that way for years. Even before his mother was forced to forget him, he hid the beatings and neglect. He didn't want to burden her any more than he already had by being quirkless.

     But today, before the party, he was not even allowed to attend he overheard his bastard of a father reveal many secrets. His father revealed to the three shitheads that he was, in fact, All Might. As well as Inko was also the hero Psyche. But the thing that broke him even more was the secret behind All Might's power.

     "Whoa! Dad, I never thought you'd be All Might!?" Izumi exclaimed as the trios jaws were on the floor. "HAHA, I KNOW ZUMI. I'VE NEVER SHOWN MY TRUE FORM TO ANY EXCEPT A FEW HEROES. YOUR MOTHER, THE UA STAFF, ENDEAVOR, GRAN TORINO, AND MASARU ARE THE ONLY ONES TO KNOW THIS SECRET." Ass Might shouts with pride out the ass.

    Izuku clenched his fists so tight he drew blood. His personal favorite hero was nothing but a goddamn fraud!!! He was furious. "NOW THEN. AS YOUR TRAINING HAS PROVEN ALONG WITH THAT KIND SELFLESS HEART YOU, IZUMI YAGI HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TO BEAR MY AWESOME POWER. MY QUIRK CAN BE PASSED ON TO ANOTHER AND I'VE CHOSEN YOU TO BE THE NEXT SYMBOL OF PEACE." Ass Might bellowed as the girl in question smiled brightly. After fully explaining the quirk and its name, Izuku growled.

     "Wait, then why not give it to Izuku if you can pass it on?" Izumi asked in a tone that Izuku knew all too well. That smug selfish bitch was enjoying rubbing yet another thing in his face. "WHO IS IZUKU?" Ass Might asked, confused, making Izumi smirk. "Nobody. Don't worry, pops. So what do I need to do to inherit that quirk?" She asked as her grin turned feral. "OH, IT'S EASY. SIMPLY INGEST SOME OF MY DNA AND YOU WILL EARN THE POWER!" Ass Might shouts with glee.

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