Spirit of The Grid!

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    A week has passed since the fateful day when Izuku left. Inko has been miserable ever since as the heroes tried to help her. Mitsuki and Rei had both been recovering from their abuse as well. Rei was now at home with her children, Natsuo and Fuyumi. She was disgusted to learn of Shoto's involvement in Izuku's torture as well as how Cuckinori and Slutzumi forced Inko to forget the adorable ball of sunshine with a gilded heart and determination.  Which truly was the worst they had done. Yes, the physical torture was bad, but forcibly removing the memories of Izuku from Inko's mind wounded both of them dearly.

    Nezu and the UA staff had worked in overdrive to punish the brats and the three men as well as the schools and all those who had any involvement with Izuku's abuse. The news that not just the number two but the number one hero as well were abusive negligent fathers sickened so may. But that is a story for another time.

    Now is the time for a new party to enter the world. As while Izuku has been saving lives as the Blue Morphin Ranger, he had been watched over by an entity of incredible power who had yet to introduce themselves. They smiled as the days events began to take place. For a week, they watched him save lives and stop villains. Yet also saw within the young Ranger a hurt that needed to be recovered. However, now the time had come for Melissa and Inko to enter Beast's Forest in an effort to locate the one they yearned to see the most. They had gotten some supplies, and Inko took time off to accompany Melissa.

    However, they kept it secret from the rest of their loved ones in an effort to protect Izuku. They read the letters several times over as the young man needed privacy. They didn't want the others to know and cause problems. While they were relatively certain Nezu had suspicions, the chimera hadn't said a word.

     After getting everything prepared, the duo arrived at the forest in question.  Inko had a sad smile as they reached the forest. She had known the Wild Wild PussyCats mountain base was also here. So they decided to try and sneak past the group. While they held no anger or hate for the quartet, they didn't want to have the hero group following them. That'd cause more questions than they felt prepared to handle. It was difficult enough trying to trust the words from an unknown source, let alone what may happen if they don't come alone. In their minds, Izuku's at risk if they don't follow the request.

    With a sigh and looks of determination, the pair begin their hike in order to find and aid Izuku. "C-Can we r-really trust whoever th-that was what messaged us?" Melissa asked quietly. Inko smiled softly to the blonde American. "It's all we have to go on, Melissa. I have so much to repent for, and I am willing to believe whoever it was that they know Izuku and the current situation. The timing of the message was right after I regained consciousness with access to my full quirk once more, and we both pleaded to see him again. It's far too well timed to be mere coincidence. Have faith and fear not. I will not allow anyone or anything to hurt you." Inko said with a fiery will within her green eyes that almost seemed to shine.

    Melissa smiled as that calmed her down. The pair nodded in unison and followed the directions through the forest. Inko using her quirk to prevent any predators from reaching them. They had a mission borne from their love and pain for Izuku and what he's suffered. But as they neared the cliff face, they couldn't help but feel fear building within them. "Something feels off about this Inko. As if we're on the verge of angering a monster." Melissa said as she trembled. Inko swallowed hard, nodding as she prepared to fight if need be. Luckily, she did as several figures raced out and surrounded the duo. The pair froze as Inko looked around, gauging the figures and their strength as Melissa sniffled.

     Meanwhile, within his base, Izuku was busying himself studying the tech inside the base. He had made sure to study not only academics but all the Ranger gear as he was the sole individual who could repair them should they break given his living alone. He didn't want to risk his life by having his gear break when he needed it.  As well he didn't want to fall behind in his education as he still yearned to enter UA High. "Izuku, have you got an understanding on the tech here?" DECA asked with a chirpy tone. Izuku shrugged as he made a so-so motion with his hand. "Somewhat. Billy's work on these devices is beyond my full understanding at the moment, but I am sure within a few months, I could discern the functions and layouts of his gear. Still, I will work hard to keep them in working order." Izuku said as he smiled brighter than the sun, making DECA chuckle at the boy.

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