Aftermath! Truth Unveiled!

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     Shortly after Izuku had left the Yagi house, the guests had arrived. Everyone had slowly begun to show up. Running through the list, we had Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugo, Enji, Fuyumi, and Natsuo Todoroki. David and Melissa Shield, Nezu, Sorahiko Torino, Chiyo Shuzenji, Shota Aizawa, Nemuri Kayama, Hizashi Yamada, Mirai Sasaki, and Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi even showed up.

    As the guests were talking to one another, a surprise awaited them as inko had managed to return from her mission. Yet Nezu and Aizawa felt something was amiss as only Toshinori, Izumi, Katsuki, and Shoto had been seen since their arrival. "Aizawa, did they tell you why Izuku wasn't here?" Nezu asked as his mind was racing through thoughts. Aizawa slowly shook his head. He, too, couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the situation. "No. No one made mention of him either. Something is wrong here." Aizawa said with a sigh.

    Nezu nodded in agreement and asked him to go check Izuku's room as he himself was going to ask the kids. Agreeing, Aizawa made his way over to Izuku's room all the while his gut was telling him today was not going to end well.

    "Ahem. Pardon me, Izumi, but do you know where Izuku is?" Nezu asked as Aizawa left the room. Izumi, with a practiced mask, hid her shock at someone daring to mention that null's name in her presence. "I'm afraid not Uncle Nezu. He said he was going to a friend's house to celebrate." Izumi said with a huff. She was not aware that Tsukauchi had been listening, and his quirk set off warning bells. He didn't mention anything yet as he wasn't sure what the lie was hiding.

    Nezu frowned a bit before he turned to the Yagi parents and asked the same thing. Yet, much to the surprise of the heroes in the room, Toshinori and Inko both looked confused. "Who is Izuku?" Inko asked, and everything stopped dead. The adults minus Masaru, Enji, and Mirai looked on in shock and anger. Nezu growled as Nemuri spoke. "The fuck do you mean 'Who is Izuku?' He's your goddamn son!" She hissed out as her anger began to build up.

    Inko blinked at the venom Nemuri spoke with. "What are you talking about? I only ever had one kid. You all should know that Izumi is our only child. What game are you playing at Nemuri?" Inko asked, and even Tsukauchi was taken aback by this as his quirk hadn't gone off. Which meant inko truly believed she only had Izumi. Before more could be asked, Aizawa returned with a look of horror and absolute fury on his face. In his hands, he held several letters. "Toshinori,  Izumi, Shoto, and Katsuki. You fucks have some serious explaining to do! How dare you treat my nephew like this!" Aizawa growled out as he trembled with barely controlled fury.

    The heroes and kids looked on in shock as none had ever seen Aizawa so emotional except for Nemuri and Hizashi after Oboro's death. "What do hou mean Shota? What are those papers, and why are you so angry with us?" Toshinori asked in complete confusion only worsening the situation. In a flash, Aizawa's hair was raised as he rushed the bastard dropping the papers in the process as he began to beat the Symbol of Peace like a scalded dog. "Shota, stop! What are you doing!? You'll kill him!!" Hizashi and Nemuri shouted as they pulled the furious Edaserhead off of Toshinori. "Good that's what the fucker deserves! Let me at him!!" Aizawa roared as Nezu picked up the letters, and his eyes went wide.

    "These are letters from Izuku! They're addressed to all of us. Admitting to crimes, all of you have committed against Izuku and others." Nezj said with killer intent so powerful it stopped everyone cold. "Wait, so this imaginary son Izuku really exists?" Inko asked as Melissa had slowly begun to piece things together, and her anger grew after reaching a conclusion. 'These fuckers forgot Izuku even existed all because he's like me! How the fuck can they call themselves parents and heroes!?' She hissed in her mind as her fingernails drew blood. "Sigh. Yes, Inko. As well it explains why you forgot him. It also explains where he went... well sort of...." Nezu said in a morose tone. Tsukauchi and Gran Torino each eyed the other suspicious of what they were about to learn.

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