Melissa & DECA's Choice! New Form!

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     It's been a couple of months since Melissa and Inko arrived. In that time, they, as well as the now human DECA, helped Izuku grow. Not only as a hero but as a person. He was now opening up to them much more than at first. Slowly, Izuku began to feel safe with them. Safe enough to start letting the sunlike child he had once been before the diagnosis to return. Yet Melissa couldn't help but feel DECA's love for Izuku. She understood why, of course, given how Izuku was able to make her human. As well she had viewed every aspect of Izuku's life before he became the Ultimate Ranger.

   With a sigh, she got out of bed this morning with one thought on her mind. She and DECA needed to talk. Melissa's love for Izuku was known to the four as was Izuku's love for her. While they hadn't done much more than hold hands and kiss, but for Izuku, that took a lot of courage. He was slowly losing his fear, but Melissa knew he was not ready for more than that.

   As she walked out of her room, she caught sight of Izuku and Inko training. Smiling softly, she began to seek out DECA. She wasn't surprised to find her lost in thought. But she was surprised by her red face and rubbing thighs. 'Great. Guess we definitely need to talk. I'm fairly sure she doesn't fully understand what's happening given her short life as a human.' Melissa thought before walking up and tapping DECA on the shoulder. With a yelp and lots of flustered arm waving, she spun round to see Melissa. The blonde smiled softly as she whispered. "DECA, I know what you're going through. It's why I felt we needed to speak. Given how you're reacting watching Izuku train, it's better now before you do something you'd regret. Let's go to my room."

    DECA was shocked that Melissa reacted the way she did. She admits she's not the most educated when it comes to emotions or humanity in general, but Melissa simply having glossed over DECA's actions was rather strange. With an embarrassed face, she accompanied Melissa back to the blondes room. No sooner had the door closed had the blonde begun to speak. "I know you love Izuku. I also know why, and since you were doing that just now, it's obvious you are having a difficult time controlling your new emotions."

     DECA uelped and stepped back, fearful of the blonde and how much she knew about DECA's thoughts and emotions. "I-I am s-sorry Melissa. I didn't mean to fall for him. Promise." DECA stammered out as she held her hands up, and tears threatened to spill. Only for Melissa to chuckle. "It's fine, DECA. As I said, I know why you feel that way and what you're going through. It's hard even for me to control myself around Izuku. Especially when he's topless. I'm not angry with you in the slightest. I did, however, come up with an offer. One, I'm fairly certain you would like."

   DECA was first shocked her feelings for Izuku didn't anger the girl, but then her offer piqued her interest. "An offer? What kind of offer, Melissa?" DECA asked as she tilted her head and a confused expression on her face. "You know what hell Izuku's life had been. Far better than either myself or Inko. Only you know everything. As well you've barely been human for a few months. In all that time, I'm sure you noticed how Izuku had felt. Unwanted and unloved. As if he was doomed to live his life all alone. Barely having more than either fear or rage as his sole emotions. I am not like most women DECA. Ever since learning what I have of his past... I felt guilty for how well mine was in comparison. He has accepted me, yes, but he needs more than just the love I can give. Even more than the motherly love Inko can give. Seeing that and his heroic spirit as well as his destined role in the coming war with Lord Drakkon and his forces.... my choice was clear. Izuku would woo many women even without trying. But I'm okay with that as long as both truly love one another. I have seen his love for you ever since he requested your humanity. In other words, DECA. I want to build a Harem for Izuku. Only with those who truly love him and he loves in turn. With you and I as the top two."

    Melissa's words froze DECA. Not just the offer, but learning Izuku has feelings for her as well. "Would he accept that Melissa? I admit I have feelings for Izuku, but what if this offer hurts his heart as well as how he sees us?" DECA asked as her mind raced through scenarios at warp speed. Only for Melissa to giggle at her questions. "DECA, I know Izuku better than anyone except you. If we honestly share our feelings for him, he will reciprocate. Even if it takes time. But he will discern if our hearts aren't fully honest with him. Understand?" Deca nodded as Melissa spoke, and the heat once more filled the tips of her chest and virgin mound.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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