Memory loss

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I had spend a few days in the hospital wing, and my memory did not get any better. I began to forget my life before I woke up at Hogwarts. One day, Madame Pomefrey sat me down.

- My dear we need to talk. 

I shuffled a bit as she sat down next to me. She took my hands.

- Nephele, you seem to suffer from extreme memory loss. Yet, you are in excellent health. It's very important that you return to your classes, especially since you are a first year. I have no idea how long it will take to get your memories back, but I will make sure that your professors and class mates know of your condition. It is very unfortunate that I can't help you more.

- Does this mean I am going back to class soon? I asked

- Yes, you will return on Monday, tomorrow you will be discharged as it'll be Saturday which would leave you two days to adapt to the fact you don't know your dorm mates. Professor Snape will come to check up on you later today. He will also answer any question you might have. 

I shuffled uncomfortably. 

- Who is professor Snape?

She smiled at me.

- The man who was here when you first woke up. 

- The one I accused of him kidnapping me? He is in charge of me? I asked.

I would be in so much trouble.

- Yes, that one. She said with a warm smile.

I froze. She smiled and got up. I spend the rest of the morning sleeping and reading a potions book someone had bought by because apparently I found it interesting. I had to admit that it was. During the afternoon, professor Snape came by to see me.

- Good afternoon Miss Black.

I sat up a bit straighter and looked at the teacher.

- Hello professor, my deepest apologies for my behaviour the last time we met, sir. 

- Not worries, Miss Black. You were quite shaken. However, I can not let that happen again, do you understand? 

- Yes, sir.

- You understand, of course, that if it did, I would not hesitate to take house points.

- House? Points?

- Madame Pomefrey told me about your memory loss, I will explain everything you need to know. 

I smiled as he sat down on a chair and prepared himself for a talk that would probably become longer than it needed to be.

- In Hogwarts, there are four houses, Gryffindor for the brave and reckless, Hufflepuff for the kind and loyal, Ravenclaw for the creative and smart ones and Slytherin for the ambitious and cunning ones. You are a Slytherin. 

Professor Snape explained me the way the school worked, that magic was real and a lot of not really comprehensible things. 

- You understand of course, that because of your memory loss I will not allow you to wander around in the corridors on your own.

- Of course, sir.

- I have asked your friends to guide you around and Mister Malfoy and Miss Granger to help you catch up on your missed classes. Miss Granger might be an insufferable know-it-all but at least she knows what she says. And the two of you seemed quite fond of each other.

- Thank you, sir.

There was a ghost of a smile on his face.

- Good to see you are good behaved, even when you have lost your memories.

The evening went by uneventfully. Until a man with a large white beard came rushing in with other teachers. 

- Poppy, hurry!!! Miss Granger got attacked by a troll!

A girl with brushy hair and a pale face was laid down on a bed. Her face was pale and a part of her head was bleeding. I did as if I was sleeping as I heard muffled voices as Madame Pomfrey was taking care of the girl. 

When the girl was taken care of, the teachers who were still standing around the girl began to speak. 

- Poor girl, luckily we got there on time. Mister Weasley, was about to get the girl killed. Of course he will be spending months in detention. An elderly woman said.

- Such a pity, especially because her friend gets out tomorrow. A man with a high voice said.

I shifted around, feeling guilty. This girl was supposed to be my friend, yet I could not remember her first name. I felt a warm liquid streaming down my face. 

- Look, Severus, it seems Slytherins are able to express emotions. A man said with a mocking voice, his voice seemed raspy. I assumed it came from the old man.

- Albus, the girl suffers from memory loss, she must be in the process  of remembering  something. Madame Pomfrey said

I slept very unwell that night. The next morning I was still discharged and pushed away from the girl quite quickly. When I got out of the hospital wing, someone was waiting for me with a bouquet of white roses. 

- Nephele, I wanted to bring them by sooner but when I found out about Granger I figured you'd need them more now. I can't imagine how you must feel.

I looked at the boy and teared up. He took me in his arms and hugged me tight.

-There there, it's going to be ok, cousin.

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