Pinky promise

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- There, there, cousin.

I hugged the blonde boy very tight.

- Cousin? 

The boy let go a bit shocked and he pushed the roses in my hands.

- Of course, I am Draco Malfoy, a friend and cousin of yours. Uncle Sev asked me to guide you around. Uncle Sev is my godfather, and at school we call him professor Sanpe.

- Thanks ehrm. 

- Dragon, that's my nickname. 

I smiled.

- Thank you, Dragon.

- You're welcome, Aster. Aster, is my nickname for you. He added nervously

- Thanks for being by my side, cousin.

- It's what cousins do. Let's go to the Slytherin common room, shall we? The rest is waiting for you. We wanted to throw a party but Uncle Sev said you had a rough night so we decided against it. 

I smiled quietly and gave him my left hand. 

- Let's go. 

He lead me trough the castle. And I was amazed by it's beauty. 

- Dragon? This castle is pretty!

He smiled and dragged me trough the corridors. I could feel a slightly cold air. 

- Do you wanna see the garden? 

- Ehm, yeah.

Draco suddenly dragged me to the left and we arrived in a garden. I didn't know where to look first. It was all so amazing. There were trees, the grass smelled amazing and there were even late blooming flowers that looked like stars. Draco picked one and put it behind my ear.

- A star for an Aster.

I laughed at that. 

- Thanks, Dragon, you shouldn't have. 

He smiled. 

- I am just so happy to have you back and I thought, because you lost your memories, I wanted to make sure you are reminded of me. And also I kind of hoped you  would remember me. Let's go to the common room, shall we?

We made our way from the garden to the dungeons. It was a bit colder and darker down there. 

- We have a password to enter the common room. Draco explained

- But we are standing in front of a wall.

- Snake fang.

Suddenly, a door formed in the wall and it opened. Draco pushed me inside and gave me a few moments. There were so many people in the room, waiting for me. Older students, year mates. But I tried to look beyond them, there was a fire, the floor was made of marble, there were a lot of dark green couches. Behind the fire place was a large window view. But the view was troubled, as if it was underwater. 

- Welcome back to Slytherin, Black. They all said together. 

A boy with horrible teeth way taller than me came to me. 

- I am Marcus Flint, I am a prefect. If you need anything, I am here. Professor Snape told us all what happened to you and we are all here to support you. Because snakes stick together. 

- Thank you, Flint. 

- No worries.

A pile of jewellery next to window caught my attention.

 - That's the jewellery we leave for the mermaids, they like to watch it. 

- Oh, mermaids. 

He smiled. We sat down in one of the couches and some children joined us.   

- Professor Snape asked us to introduce ourselves again. I am Blaise Zabini by the way. Said a tanned looking boy. 

- I am Théo Nott. Well actually Theodore but I prefer Theo. Said a pale looking boy with unruly curly hair. 

- I am Pansy Parkinson. said a girl with black hair to her shoulders

- I am Harry Potter. Said a boy with a lightning scar, glasses, green eyes and black unruly hair.

- And I am Daphne Greengrass. Said the girl who I had seen when I woke up at Hogwarts. 

- It's nice to meet you all, again. I said smiling.

- It's nice to have you back. Said Draco

I smiled and watched all the children around me and smiled. 

- Promise you will never leave me?

- Pinky promise. They all chanted

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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