Headcanon #1

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Dylan is gay which means he got bullies a lot in the past which is why he's overcome it and acts so confident in front of everyone, he might still have insecurities and doubts that he's being annoying or talking too much but normally when he has those thoughts he talks to his best friend, Kaitlyn, or Ryan, because they both help him through a lot of his anxiety and everything, Sometimes he even feels guilty about it.
Going back in time, Dylan and Kaitlyn knew eachother since they were babies, Their moms became friends in middle school and knew each other ever since. Dylan had always been a bit different from the other kids, while Kaitlyn was going through a tomboy phase, Dylan was playing with his mom's makeup and doing his hair because he liked it longer. When Dylan and Kaitlyn started middle school it all changed, Dylan finally came out as gay. His mom and Kaitlyn were super supportive and he thought everyone else would be too be he was so wrong.

He continued to get bullied by so many people for his sexuality and most times Kaitlyn would stand up for him but it all got much worse in 8th grade. Dylan was 13 and he was so excited to go into high-school hoping it was going to be better. Soon he realized there where times Kaitlyn couldn't protect him. He met this boy named Nicholas, (yes the nick from the quarry) both boys became great friends and hung out with Kaitlyn and her friend, Jacob. Soon Dylan came to have feelings for Nick and when he confessed it was all over...

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU, IM NOT GAY! we can't be friends anymore!" Nick yelled at Dylan making him cry.

Soon him and Kaitlyn went into high-school, And Dylan just got bullied more. In tenth grade he was bullied by this jockey and his friends, they would throw things at him in the halls and after school they would beat him up under the bleachers. But they had a secret relationship no one knew about, but this jockey was super toxic and Dylan didn't want to be in this relationship one bit. This one time the boys were beating him up behind the bleachers once again...

"No! No! P-please...just stop!" Dylan yells, the jock just laughs, "shut up! Stupid whore! Listen, if you flirt with me or hold my hand again, I will beat you up even more then I did this time! Got it?" The jockey says. Dylan starts crying hard and can't breathe with blood and bruises on his face, and the other two jocks holding him arm and arm so the main one can beat on him. One of the jocks holding Dylan kicks him in the leg, "speak to him! Faggot!" He screams. "Y-yes.. I u-understand..." he says softly, sobbing. The jock sucks his teeth and tells the other two to go on without him. "Why? Aren't you coming, boss?" They say, "yeah just got to finish this faggot off real quick, don't worry I'll catch up" He smiles. Once the others are gone he turns to Dylan and grabs him by his shirt while he's still sobbing, and kisses him. Dylan has his eyes shut tightly and is still sobbing harder than ever, he doesn't kiss back. The jock releases him and holds his hand in his, "Don't make me have do that again, we need to be more careful" he says, he finally lets go and walks away quickly paced to catch up with his friends.

When Dylan turned 15, him and Kaitlyn got an opportunity to go to the summer camp they always went to as kids and work there as counselors. Dylan over the years had so much fun there, going there as a kid and counselor. He had already knew Ryan because they all went to the same camp but when he went there as a counselor for the first time he was shocked to see Ryan...

Dylan and Kaitlyn get off the bus, "I am so excited for camp this summer!" Dylan says walking with Kaitlyn both holding their own bags. "Why?" She asks turning to him. "Because this summer we're counselors!" He says excitement flowing through his face with big smile on his face. Kaitlyn rolls her eyes while Dylan catches a glimpse of a familiar face. "Oh my god!" He says with a flushed face and his eyes wide. "What?" Kaitlyn looks over where Dylan was looking and sees a dark skinned boy with brown eyes and hair. The boy looks in the direction he heard a scream coming from. Dylan then turns away with a bright red face, once the boy looks away again, Dylan whispers to Kaitlyn. "That's Ryan!" He whispers loudly with a crooked smile. Kaitlyn looks over once more and realizes it herself, "daymn... He looks different." she whispers, Dylan looks over and his face turns red. "No kidding, he's fucking hot." He covers his mouth quickly after saying that sentence, Kaitlyn looks at him with a confused expression and rolls her eyes. "Okay, stop googling over your new boyfriend and let's take our bags to the cabin." She says picking up her bags and walking away.

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