Headcanon #4

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We know from the radio hut scene when Dylan is having a panic attack and freaking out and playing as Ryan you can either calm him down or say hurry up and stress him even more. (which is so fucking mean, and if you did that in game play just fucking go fuck yourself) So in clear theory, Dylan has anxiety and by the looks of it, a lot! So he has lots of anxiety probably daddy issues because he never once mentions a dad, and by the looks of some options you can make he might have a hard time with anger when he's stressed. Also in my eyes it looks like he has a lot of ADHD/ADD.

So listing off all of the things that theorize the main topic, Dylan has a lot of anxiety and panic attacks caused by many things. Sometimes it can probably be hard for him to calm down and he needs someone else to be there with him. (Lowkey me ngl)

When Dylan is getting like this and Ryan is there to help it goes a little something like this...
Ryan will go over to a sobbing panicky Dylan and rub his back for a few minutes and then he will hold his hands and rub tiny circles on the backs to calm him down, he will then look him in his eyes and his calm voice always helps Dylan. Ryan still holding one hand and the other hand on Dylan's face wiping his tears, he says "it's okay..listen to me..alright? Name me 3 things you see..."

"You, the ground and your necklace" (random af but I dunno)

"Ok..good..now name me 3 things you hear"
Ryan says softly and slowly.

"I hear your voice, and the birds, and...leaves.." he replies sniffling.

"Good, baby... now name me 3 things you feel physically.." he says witha soft smile.

"I feel...your soft hands, and your rings on your fingers...and I feels my hair in my face." he replies once more.

"Good...Dyl...very good, do you feel better?" Ryan says holding his hands and rubbing circles softly.

"Y-yeah...a bit...can you just...hold me?"
Dylan replies.

Ryan smiles and sits beside him wrapping his arms around him, "ofcourse, baby" he says softly.

Dylan wipes his tears and snuggles up to Ryan and hides his face into the crook of Ryan's neck. Ryan kisses his temple and plays with his hair as he holds him softly and deeply.

Ryan knows how to deal with anxiety because Sarah used to get panic attacks. He also loves helping Dylan, Dylan always feels bad and apologizes for causing him trouble but Ryan enjoys taking care of the boy he loves the most. <3

*this is so fucking cute!!! I swear!!!! I can't fucking breath!!! I need their relationship to be canon!!!!!*

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