Headcanon #2

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A Ryan headcanon🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️❤️ <3

Ryan is always very introverted but every now and then Dylan gets him to open up his shell and go partying with him and Kaitlyn. Ryan is normally there just to protect Dylan from doing anything stupid, he doesn't drink just so he can be the one to drive Dylan's drunk ass home. When Dylan does however, Ryan will be the one driving him home and putting him in clothes that don't smell like beer and martinis, most of the time it's Ryan's own clothes even though he'll probably never get them back after Dylan because he always makes the excuse "but their comfy" and "they smell like you", Which makes Ryan feel warm inside. Ryan will then carry him to bed and tuck him in, he'll say "I love you" softly and then get him aspirin or advil and some water to place right by his bedside table.

Then he'll put a small trash can right by the bed so he doesn't have to rush to the bathroom when he needs to throw up. Once he's done being the amazing boyfriend he is, he will leave the room to not bother him and either leave or stay and cook something for him. Sometimes if Dylan is awake enough, he will ask Ryan to stay with him and he will. He will stay with him until he falls asleep in his arms and he'll play with his hair and sometimes fall asleep too.

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